英文调查报告范文 英文的调查报告

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        篇一:调查报告范文2 (英文)

          1. Introduction

          Library is always a symbol of the university. It provides college students with many

          useful resources. At the same time, how to make full of the resources becomes a new problem for college students. For that purpose, the present survey is made.

          1.1 Purpose

          The survey sets its goal at investigating how well the college students can take advantage of

the resources provided in our school library. Then, we hope to give some suggestions to our school library so that it can be improved in some aspects.

          1.2 Subjects

          In order to make the survey more persuasive, we did the research among students in our university including both undergraduates and postgraduates. 157 copies of questionnaires in total were handed out and 150 were collected back which are effective. Interviewees are from different majors and different grades. 41 of them are freshmen, 42 are sophomore, 21 are junior students, 30 are senior students and 6 are postgraduates.  1.3 Time and Place

          Time: The survey takes about one week, from November 10th to November 16th, 2021. The questionnaires were distributed on November 10th and collected back on November 11th.

          Place: Hebei Polytechnic University

          1.4 Instrument

          Questionnaires are used to collect data. Considering the questionnaire in English may bring some trouble to the interviewees with different English levels, we adopt the Chinese version instead of the English one (See English and Chinese versions in appendices).


          The interviewees are selected at random to make the data more reliable. For instance, the questionnaires are given to the students studying in classrooms and to those staying in dormitories. Whats more, students from all grades are made sure to participate in this investigation.

          2. Data Collection and Analysis

          On 10th November, we investigated 157 students, among whom 150 returned their questionnaires. The rest did not return or finish for some reasons.

          To ensure the validity of the survey, the six members in our team were pided into three groups to hand out the questionnaires, going to different places and investigating different students. Most of the interviewees were willingly to help us with the survey. They finished the questionnaires carefully. Among the questionnaires returned, some questions were not answered, and some were answered casually, which brought us some trouble when we did the data collection.

          In general, most of the information we collected was useful and accurate.

          2.1 Data Analysis on the Use of Books

          The analysis on the use of books is based on Question 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

          2.1.1 Frequency Analysis

          According to Question 2 and 4, we get a result as follows (see Figure 1).

          Figure 1



          As it can be seen from Figure 1, most students go to library once or twice a week. Some students go there more than five times a week. The freshmen and junior students go to the library more frequently. Reasons:  1) The freshmen have more spare time and they

          are curious about the library where they can find almost all the books and periodicals they are interested in.

          2) The junior students need a lot of materials for their courses. Moreover, most of the juniors want to find some quiet places to study and the library becomes their first choice.

          2.1.2 Purpose Analysis

          Question 5 is designed to know the college students purposes of going to the school library. Figure 2 3



          Figure 2 and 3 reveal that the sophomores and the junior students can make full use of the resources in the library. Their purposes are clear: they hope to improve themselves on all aspects. While the freshmen have less pressure, so they prefer the periodicals just for entertaining and widening their horizon. The seniors and postgraduates like to read periodicals because they want to help with homework or essay writing and know more about current affairs.

          4  2.1.3 Book Variety Analysis

          Based on Question 9, we get Figure 4 below.


          Obviously, most of the interviewees think that books of special field are most helpful. It shows that most of students in our university put study in the first place. We can also learn that other kinds of books and magazines are also very useful in most students eyes. However, 76.67% of the students investigated are dissatisfied with the books in our library. They complain that the books are outdated and they need to be updated.  2.1.4 On Borrowing Books

          According to the statistics based on Question 7 and 8, we learn that 41.33% of the students borrow less than 10 books in one semester while 7.33% borrow more than 30. 70% say that they can finish reading most parts of the borrowed books before returning them. This is a good phenomenon. Since different people have different plans for study, sometimes they dont need to finish the whole. Instead, some parts of books are enough.

          2.1.5 On Facilities and Reading Rooms

          In consequence of Question 6, it is known that students like to go to the natural science  5



          英语 调查报告 范文(一)


          就业市场商务英语人才需求  在国民教育体系中,职业教育是一个不可忽视的重要组成部分,因为它是促进经济、社会发展和劳动就业的重要途径。职业教育就是就业教育,社会需求是职业教育的生产力。只有坚持改革、创新,根据市场需求,及时调整专业,才是职业教育可持续发展的根本途径。

          20**年8月至20**年9月,吉林省教育学院外语系《高职商务英语专业课程开发与课程设置改革的研究》课题组在吉林省、辽宁省、浙江省以及北京、上海、深圳、杭州、义乌、大连等地进行一次市场人才需求社会问卷抽样调查,力图调查社会对商务英语专业人才的需求情况,了解一些基本情况及所占比例,为商务英语专业进一步发展提供依据,并按社会需求和就业导向进行课程开发和改革,重新制定以就业为导向,以学生职业生涯规划为主线的 教学计划,使专业及其课程设置更趋完善、有效,并符合当代社会发展的需要,具有时效性。









          调查以公司和 企业管理者为对象,其中企业经营者职务为董事长、总经理、厂长、企业高层副职占26、0%,市场部及人事部经理职务占38、5%,工程师和技术人员8、7%,公司职员17、5%,其它职务占9、3%。受调查的128人中,男性占64、1%,女性占35、9%、








          在问到针对商务英语专业的学生在大学期间应开设哪些课程为好时,有31、5%的经营者建议开设“商业英语精读”和“商业英语听说”课程;要求开设“ 国际贸易实务”、“商务礼仪”和“ 市场营销学”的比重也较大分别为25、6%、14、1%和10、9%;

          “商务英语写作”占18%,“ 电子商务”占16、3%,“国际金融”15、3%,“经济学”占14、6%,还有提出开设“ 社会学”和“管理学”等。






          小学英语课程已大面积开设,本人就开县小学 英语教学现状展开了调查。经过实地调查走访以及与其他乡镇教师交流,对本县乡镇小学英语教学现状有了初步的了解。现就几点突出问题提出自己的对策。





          农村小学英语教师一般都是兼 职教师,任课量多,不仅要任语文、数学主考科目而且还有其它的副科。一个教师平均要任三至四门的课且任多少课就得备多少课,导致备课量较大,教师工作负荷较重,无暇花费更多的精力来提高自己的英语教学水平。例如,我校就只有我一位英语教师,三、四、五、六年级的英语课全由我一个人上。每天我要备四堂课,写四份教案,制作四份课件,批改四个年级的作业,有时还要参加学校的听课活动。我感到教学工作负担十分沉重,我每天都在疲于备课上课,很难有充分的时间钻研教材,提高自身的素质,提高教学技能。同时由于专职英语教师少,各学校缺乏教学研究的氛围,领导对英语教研这一项工作也不是很重视,即使曾派英语教师出外学习,但回来后也只是个人写一写 收获,很少组织集中讨论英语教学。因此教学观念和方法得不到及时更新,教学只能停留在低层次水平上。例如,我校就我一位英语教师,遇到问题时我没有前辈可以请教,也没有同事可以交流讨论,总是自己一个人在闭门造车。  3、村校教学设备严重不足  小学英语教学形式要生动,活泼和直观,语言活动形式以听说唱演赛为主,需要配备录音机,幻灯片,实物,图片等大量直观的教具,然而村校的教学设备却严重不足。教师上课仅靠一张嘴,一根粉笔。这样落后的教学设备直接影响了教学效果,学生的学习态度及学习热情。就拿我任教的村校来说吧,连一台录音机都找不到。我都是自己收集废旧纸板,画简笔画,制作单词卡片。上课时,我都是把自己的笔记本电脑背去山上的村校,给学生放音频资料。







          地方行政部门应当从英语专业毕业生中选聘英语教师,并按要求尽快给各级学校配齐英语专职教师。对于师资严重缺乏的学校,应及时公开招聘录用新教师,或者鼓励一部分有英语基础的老师先转岗 培训,再上岗。同时加大对小学英语教师的在职培训,多给老师提供合作交流的平台。建立城乡“校对校”教师定期交流制度,组织开展“城区支援农村,强校支援弱校”送教下乡服务工作,定期选派优秀教师到农村学校支教,农村学校教师到优质学校学习进修。通过师资轮换调整,保证学校之间的师资力量和教育水平相对均衡。也可将城乡老师结成“一对一”的网上帮扶对子。每天,老师们可以通过网络及时交流,共同提高。


          加大农村教育专项资金投入力度,优先保证农村正常教学进行。尤其是对边远山区,要加快建设农村远程教育工程的步伐。改善硬件设施,为学校 投资购买电视机、录音机等必要的教学设备,配齐磁带,挂图,CD,卡片等相关教辅资料并逐步建设语音和多媒体教室。只有这样,才能够加大信息量的输入,为学生学习英语营造浓厚的氛围,形成良好的学习环境。各学校也要珍惜这些教学资源,物尽其用,而不是将其束之高阁。




          一、调查目的  词汇教学既是中学英语教学的重点,也是中学英语教学的难点。农村学生的英语基础薄弱,其主要原因就是怕记单词,不会记单词,未掌握英语词汇的学习方法,从而缺乏学习英语的信心和能力。为此,我专门设计了一个英语词汇学习的调查问卷,并对七年级一、二班20名学习成绩较好的学生进行了调查,收回有效调查问卷20份。现将调查的数据统计、存在的问题、原因分析及教学对策等情况汇总如下。



          A Survey About The Patriotic Emotion Of

          University Students Nowadays, China is developing very fast. And this is a great chance for us to catch up with those world powers. But we are also faced with many problems. For instance, our national security can`t be guaranteed, and our motherland has not been unified. So, it`s really of vital importance for us Chinese to love our motherland, especially our youngsters, who are the hope of our country.

          We organize this investigation in order to find out the current condition of how university students love our country. According to the results, we want to put forward some useful suggestions for the patriotism education in university. And we hope our investigation could be helpful for our patriotism education. Firstly, we make questionnaires concerned with patriotism. Then we distributed them to our classmates. After they finished doing them, we take them back and get our conclusion from their answers. After we got the statistical data according to the answers to the questionnaire, we made the graphics below to reveal the results. Some of the graphics are shown below.

          Statistical results of Question 1:


          Question 2:

          ical results of

          Statistical results of Question 3:  Statistical results of Question 5:

          Statistical results of Question 6:

          The results of our survey show to us that the contemporary college students have good patriotic feelings. We have relatively deep understanding of patriotism and most of us are willing to accept patriotism education. We are concerned about the history, tradition and

          production condition of China. We also enjoy the achievement after the reform and opening up of China. Few of our college students tend to escape joining the army, and what is encouraging is that almost all the students are proud of our race and country.  In conclusion: We found through the phenomenon that college students in the new era are patriotic. Universities should further strengthen the education of patriotism to keep students being aware of patriotism all the time. Our teachers should encourage students to work hard to become outstanding architects of new China in the future. From our point of view, we must be determined patriots and struggle to become someone useful for our motherland.

          Thank you for your appreciation ! Thank you. Members:

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