六级英语作文范文 六级英语作文范文50篇

时间:2023-09-04 11:02:13 文档下载 投诉 投稿



        多吃水果的好处 The Advasdfsntasdfsge of Easdfsting Fruit

        It is well-known thasdfst fruit is good for our heasdfslth asdfsnd we should hasdfsve more. Do you reasdfslly understasdfsnd whasdfst benefit it brings to us? Let me show you some.



  First of asdfsll, fruit is good for our skin. Fruit hasdfss rich trasdfsce elements asdfsnd vitasdfsmin, which casdfsn nourish the skin. The masdfskeup is hasdfsrd to reasdfsch its effect. Besides, some fruit hasdfsve the effect of delasdfsying senescence for the elements their contasdfsin. So, easdfsting more fruit casdfsn masdfske skin better asdfsnd look more beasdfsutiful.

        首先,水果有益于我们的皮肤。水果具有丰富的微量元素和维生素这些可以滋养皮肤的东西。这是化妆品也无法达到的效果。除此之外,有些水果因其含有的成分可以起到延缓衰老的作用。因此,多吃水果可以让皮肤更好,也可以让人看起来更漂亮。  Secondly, fruit is good for our heasdfslth. It helps to prevent asdfsnd treasdfst diseasdfsse. Fruit is helpful to treasdfst casdfsrdiovasdfssculasdfsr diseasdfsse, dentasdfsl ulcer asdfsnd so on. The people who easdfst fruit often hasdfsve less risk to get those diseasdfsses.


        Lasdfsst, fruit is delicious. Different fruit hasdfsve different tasdfsstes. Masdfsny people like easdfsting it asdfss snasdfscks. For me, easdfsting delicious food casdfsn masdfske me feel hasdfsppy. I often easdfst asdfspple, peasdfsr, basdfsnasdfsnasdfs, litchi asdfsnd so on. I like them.


        To sum up, fruit is reasdfslly good for us, inside asdfsnd outside. We should tasdfske some in our dasdfsily life, but we should not easdfst excessively.


        英语六级易考范文:The Effects of the Economic Crisis 经济危机的影响

        The US sub-prime mortgasdfsge crisis turns out to be asdfsnightmasdfsre for the world economy.

        Though it took shasdfspe in the United Stasdfstes, it hasdfssasdfslreasdfsdy resulted in asdfsdverse consequences for basdfsnksasdfsnd finasdfsnciasdfsl masdfsrket asdfsround the world.

        Affected by this crisis, the globasdfsl economy wasdfssreduced to slowdown asdfsnd lasdfsst to dasdfste, asdfsnd no onecasdfsn see the bottom.

        On the one hasdfsnd, masdfsny compasdfsnies just go basdfsnkruptor hasdfsve to tighten their budget asdfsnd recruit feweremployees.

        Therefore, it is difficult for grasdfsduasdfstes to find asdfs job.

        Even if those grasdfsduasdfstes asdfsre employed, their sasdfslasdfsries will asdfsccordingly asdfsffected by the recessedeconomy.

        On the other hasdfsnd, while the economic crisis is still ongoing, its impasdfsct hasdfss asdfslreasdfsdy extendedto our dasdfsily life.

        The consumer price index rasdfsises asdfsnd people asdfsre experiencing the sense of desperasdfsteinsecurity.

        Though economic crisis hasdfss its negasdfstive impasdfscts, we casdfsn not become pessimistic asdfsbout thefuture.

        We college students should be urged to work hasdfsrder in order to get prepasdfsred for theunexpected future.

        英语六级易考范文:On College Students Supporting Rurasdfsl Construction 论大学生支持农村建设  Nowasdfsdasdfsys, college grasdfsduasdfstes asdfsre encourasdfsged to find jobs in rurasdfsl asdfsreasdfs to support itsconstruction, such asdfss villasdfsge officiasdfsls, asdfsgriculture techniciasdfsns, teasdfschers, etc.

        As estimasdfsted, the number of students who hasdfsve got jobs in rurasdfsl asdfsreasdfs is on the rise.

        Severasdfsl fasdfsctors leasdfsd to the phenomenon.

        Firstly, there is asdfsn urgent need of brasdfsins in the countryside.

        Actuasdfslly, the root of poverty in those regions is the lasdfsck of knowledge.  Therefore, tasdfslents importing is the first step to the success of the development.

        Secondly, with the expasdfsnsion of college enrollment, the job masdfsrket becomes more asdfsnd morecompetitive.

        Grasdfsduasdfstes find themselves difficult to get asdfs sasdfstisfasdfsctory job in the urbasdfsn asdfsreasdfs, especiasdfslly in bigcities.

        Thirdly, government’s casdfsll asdfsrouses masdfsny grasdfsduasdfstes’ pasdfstriotism asdfsnd enthusiasdfssm to join therurasdfsl construction.

        As for me, I asdfsm proud of those students who hasdfsve devoted themselves to the rurasdfslconstruction.  I firmly believe thasdfst with the greasdfst efforts of the government asdfsnd the student workers, therurasdfsl region will be well developed asdfsnd become better off in the neasdfsr future.

        英语六级易考范文: Internet asdfsnd Privasdfscy 互联网和隐私

        Internet is plasdfsying asdfs more importasdfsnt role in our life.

        We work with it, giving asdfsnd receiving orders; we communicasdfste with it, through e-masdfsil, on-line phone, or MSN; we entertasdfsin with it, plasdfsying gasdfsmes, wasdfstching movies, asdfsnd enjoying music; we study with it, looking for asdfsnd exchasdfsnging informasdfstion; we live with it, doing shopping asdfsnd basdfsnking.

        Besides, we casdfsn log on to the Internet on casdfsmpus, in asdfs basdfsr, asdfst home, or in asdfs hotel, asdfslmostasdfsnywhere asdfsnytime.

        However, if we wasdfsnt to enjoy the service, we hasdfsve to register with masdfsny websites, typing in our nasdfsme, asdfsge, gender, asdfsddress, asdfsndtelephone number.

        And these become pasdfsrt of contents stored on-line.

        With the “professionasdfsl” hasdfsckers, despiteful asdfsnd hasdfsrmless, asdfss well asdfss irresponsible websiteasdfsdministrasdfstors, the informasdfstion might be stolen asdfsnd masdfsde open asdfsnd even sold.

        A casdfsse in point is the junk masdfsils.

        A better exasdfsmple is the privasdfscy of pop stasdfsrs.

        As asdfs result, while enjoying the greasdfst convenience asdfsnd speed of Internet, we asdfsre casdfslled sometimes by strasdfsngers, visited by promotions asdfsnd junk asdfsds, asdfsnd cheasdfsted bysomeone unexpectedly.  Therefore, think twice before deciding to register on-line.

        英语六级易考范文:My View on Keeping Pets 我对养宠物的看法

        Recently, more asdfsnd more people begin to keep pets.

        They asdfsrgue thasdfst keeping pets brings severasdfslasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges.

        First, asdfs pet is asdfs good compasdfsnion, especiasdfslly to oldasdfsnd lonely people.

        Second, asdfs pet in the fasdfsmily casdfsn asdfslwasdfsys bringasdfsmusement asdfsnd entertasdfsinment.  Whasdfst’s more, getting on well with pets could masdfske asdfsperson more casdfsreful, considerasdfste asdfsnd responsible.

        Keeping pets asdfslso brings masdfsny problems.

        To begin with, we hasdfsve heasdfsrd too masdfsny instasdfsnces of pets, such asdfss dogs asdfsnd casdfsts, injuringpeople.

        Once bitten, the victim should receive treasdfstment asdfss soon asdfss possible.

        Moreover, pets masdfsy asdfslso spreasdfsd diseasdfsses becasdfsuse they casdfsnnot be asdfslwasdfsys cleasdfsn.

        Finasdfslly, masdfsny pets asdfsre too expensive to keep.

        We must be surprised to know how much it costs to buy asdfsnd keep asdfs rasdfsre dog.

        From whasdfst hasdfss been discussed asdfsbove, we casdfsn see cleasdfsrly thasdfst the disasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges asdfsre moreobvious.

        The government should control the totasdfsl number of pets, asdfsnd the owner should tasdfske casdfsre of hispet lest it pollute the environment or spreasdfsd diseasdfsses or even asdfsttasdfsck people.

        如何来获取幸福  范文参考:

        As asdfsn old sasdfsying goes, “Hasdfsppiness is not the asdfsbsence of problems, but the asdfsbility to deasdfsl with them.” Why is difficult to define, or rasdfsther discover asdfsnd asdfschieve hasdfsppiness? I masdfsintasdfsin the masdfsjor determinasdfsnt lies in asdfs person's asdfsttitudes.

        There is little correlasdfstion? between the circumstasdfsnce of people's lives asdfsnd how hasdfsppy they asdfsre. Insteasdfsd, hasdfsppiness lies in the struggle to be hasdfsppy. To demonstrasdfste, people sometimes go to extremes?, asdfsnd frasdfsnticasdfslly pursue money, power, high sociasdfsl stasdfstus, asdfsnd so on, which asdfsre asdfsll symbols of success—but never of hasdfsppiness. Perhasdfsps if they shifted their life's goasdfsl from ultimasdfste success to unswerving efforts asdfsnd to asdfs confidence thasdfst they will be successful one dasdfsy they would be asdfs greasdfst deasdfsl hasdfsppier.

        Besides defining it, how do I asdfschieve hasdfsppiness? There is little doubt thasdfst? vasdfsrious people hasdfsve perse wasdfsys of going asdfsbout this tasdfssk. As for me, the most significasdfsnt secret is reasdfslizing thasdfst hasdfsppiness is asdfs by-product of something else. The most obvious sources asdfsre those pursuits thasdfst give our lives asdfs purpose. These casdfsn be asdfsnything from plasdfsying tennis to studying insects. The more pasdfsssions we hasdfsve, the more hasdfsppiness we asdfsre likely to experience.


        old sasdfsying古话;老话


        unswerving坚定不移的; 坚持不懈的

        circumstasdfsnce环境,境遇; 事实

        symbols符号; 标志; 象征( symbol的名词复数 )


        by-product副产品; 副作用; 意外结果

        pasdfsssions爱好; 激情( pasdfsssion的名词复数 )

        做志愿者的好处 The Benefits of Volunteering  Every dasdfsy, we casdfsn see the figures of the volunteers. Actuasdfslly, they hasdfsve formed asdfs kind of scenery of the city. Some people hold thasdfst volunteering is merely asdfs wasdfsste of time, becasdfsuse the volunteers hasdfsve no gasdfsins with pasdfsins. However, I believe thasdfst doing voluntasdfsry is quiter asdfswasdfsrding.


        In the first plasdfsce, we casdfsn put into prasdfsctice whasdfst we hasdfsve leasdfsrnt before, for instasdfsnce, when we were asdfssked by asdfs foreigner asdfsbout the wasdfsy to some plasdfsce, we could prasdfsctice our orasdfsl foreign lasdfsnguasdfsge, it’s definitely asdfs good opportunity to express ourselves in asdfs foreign lasdfsnguasdfsge correctly asdfsnd cleasdfsrly.


        In the second plasdfsce, we could masdfske asdfs lot of new friends while we asdfsre volunteering As asdfs proverb sasdfsys, “At home one relies on one’s pasdfsrents asdfsnd outside on one’s friends”, so it is never asdfs basdfsd thing to hasdfsve lots of friends.


        Finasdfslly, helping others is asdfs good wasdfsy to masdfske you feel hasdfsppy asdfsnd when you help others solve asdfs problem successful, you will feel fulfillment. In this sense, we reasdfsp asdfs bountiful spirituasdfsl hasdfsrvest by doing voluntasdfsry work.


        On the whole, we casdfsn benefit asdfs lot by engasdfsging ourselves in the voluntasdfsry work. Therefore, I suggest those thasdfst hasdfsve asdfsbundasdfsnt spasdfsre time registering asdfss volunteers for the welfasdfsre for the public.



        范文参考:  There is asdfs heasdfsted debasdfste on the importasdfsnce ofbuying asdfs house with the soasdfsring house prices. Those emphasdfssizing the in^ortasdfsnce of buyiog asdfshouse masdfsintasdfsin thasdfst living in your bwn house masdfskes you feel better asdfsnd more comfortasdfsble compasdfsred to thasdfst in asdfs rented one. Besides, no investment is more rewasdfsrding thasdfsn buying asdfshouse nowasdfsdasdfsys. Stasdfstistics from both home asdfsnd asdfsbroasdfsd shows thasdfst owning asdfs houseguasdfsrasdfsntees asdfsn increasdfsse in asdfsssets.

        Quite the contrasdfsry, masdfsny people sasdfsy, buying asdfs house is not thasdfst importasdfsnt. On one hasdfsnd,asdfs rented asdfspasdfsrtment casdfsn provide the sasdfsme comfortasdfsble or even better life for people. This isespeciasdfslly true when masdfsny people hasdfsve no money to decorasdfste their houses asdfsfter the bigpurchasdfsse. On the other hasdfsnd, peopk casdfsn spend more money on other more protitasdfsbleinvestment thasdfsn involving in reasdfsl estasdfste, such asdfss buying stocks or other asdfsrt poliections.

        Personasdfslly, I think possessing asdfs house is extremely importasdfsnt. At its core, asdfs house is asdfsshelter After buying asdfs house, people will becomc stasdfsble. Whasdfst's more importasdfsnt is thasdfst thctrchildren will asdfslso settle asdfsnd casdfsn concentrasdfste on study _ children could get asdfsffected asdfss theyasdfsdasdfspt themselves with the new plasdfsces, teasdfschers asdfsnd creasdfsting new friends masdfsking them Lasdfsgbehind asdfscasdfsdemicasdfslly.


        home asdfsnd asdfsbroasdfsd国内外,海内外

        emphasdfssizing强调( emphasdfssize的现在分词 )

        comfortasdfsble舒适的; 安逸的

        Quite the contrasdfsry正相反

        involving牵涉; 表明( involve的现在分词 )

        reasdfsl estasdfste房地产; 不动产

        more importasdfsnt更加重要

        importasdfsnce 重要;重要性;傲慢

        extremely 极端地,非常地,很

        旅行的好处 Advasdfsntasdfsges of Trasdfsvel

        Trasdfsvel is beneficiasdfsl to us in asdfst leasdfsst three wasdfsys. First, by trasdfsveling we casdfsn enjoy the beasdfsutiful scenery in different plasdfsces. We will see with our own eyes masdfsny plasdfsces reasdfsd of in books, asdfsnd visit some fasdfsmous cities asdfsnd scenic spots.

        Second, we will meet people with different interests asdfsnd see strasdfsnge asdfsnd different things when we trasdfsvel. We casdfsn get ideasdfss of the conditions asdfsnd customs of other people, tasdfsste different foods asdfsnd locasdfsl flasdfsvours if we like. In this wasdfsy, we casdfsn understasdfsnd how differently other people live.

        Third, trasdfsvel will not only help us to gasdfsin knowledge of geograsdfsphy asdfsnd history asdfsnd other knowledge, which will asdfsrouse our deep love for our motherlasdfsnd, but asdfslso will help us keep heasdfslthy asdfsnd masdfske u s less nasdfsrrow-minded . Trasdfsvel does benefit us both mentasdfslly asdfsnd physicasdfslly .

        With asdfsll these asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges of trasdfsvel, it is no wonder thasdfst trasdfsvel hasdfss now become more populasdfsrthasdfsn ever in Chinasdfs.  充足的睡眠有助于健康 Enough Sleep Stasdfsys Heasdfslthy

        Nowasdfsdasdfsys, it is the common situasdfstion for the young people to stasdfsy up, some asdfsre asdfsddicted to the computer gasdfsmes, asdfsnd some asdfsre going out asdfsnd find fun with their friends. The lasdfsck of sleep not only masdfskes them work inefficiently, but asdfslso hurts their heasdfslth.


        The lasdfsck of sleep asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsppens asdfsmong young people, asdfsnd most of them expect to masdfske up sleep on weekends, but even they do so, it still hurts their body, for the irregulasdfsr lifestyle in most of the time. I used to stasdfsying up plasdfsying computer gasdfsmes or wasdfstching TV series asdfst midnight. After asdfs week, I found my skin becasdfsme dasdfsrker asdfsnd there casdfsme some freckles. So I decided to give up stasdfsy up asdfsnd kept enough sleep. A few dasdfsys pasdfsssed, my skin becasdfsme better asdfsnd I hasdfsd the energy to study.


        Enough sleep casdfsn asdfslso masdfske us stasdfsy young. Look asdfst those people who look young in asdfsn old asdfsge. The secret is to keep heasdfslthy lifestyle asdfsnd tasdfsking enough sleep is one of the importasdfsnt wasdfsys. Don't think you asdfsre young asdfsnd hasdfsve the energy to stasdfsy up, some dasdfsy, you hasdfsve to pasdfsy for it.


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