英语读书报告 英语读书报告模板图片

时间:2023-08-22 11:10:13 文档下载 投诉 投稿

      A book report consists of three main parts:

      (1)information about the author and his times, (10-20% of total words)

      (2)a summary of the book (20%-30% of total words). Usually, it is written in the present tense,

      (3)comments on the book. (50-70% of words)

      Your opinion is the most important part of the report. It may be either your immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study. In either case, your opinion should be  definite and  clearIt  should  be  supported  with  factsYou  will  want  to  comment  on cha

      racterizations, plot, and recurring themes. Compare or contrast it to other books youve read.  The discussion should of course center on the content of the book, but the author  s writing style and techniques of presentation, if interesting, can also be touched upon.

      总字数: 500 字以上

      Deadline一篇在第 7 周末;

      二篇在第 14 周末。

      题目统一为: A Book Report of +书名,如:  A Book Report of Thirty-Nine Steps 内容三个部份可以分开写,但不要浮现 1 2 3 字样。






      简写本: simplified version/abbreviated version

      故事大意如下: The gist of the story is as follows

      主人公: leading role/ leading character/ hero/ heroine

      ……为背景 It is set on the eve of…/ It is set on the background that




      A Book Report of The Sun Also Rise(s小三,加粗,居中)






      An introduction to the author

      The book is written by Ernest Miller Hemingway, who once sailed to Europe to serve as a volunte

      er for the Red Cross during World War. On the front, Hemingway  suffered a serious injury. This incident provided the inspiration for his novel. After returning from the war, in  1921, he became the European correspondent for the Toronto Daily Star and moved to Paris. There, Hemingway became friends with some famous prominent expatriate writers and artists living postwar Paris. Hemingways reputation began to grow both as a journalist and as an author of fiction. His novel      The Sun Also Rises, published in 1926, established him as one of the preeminent writers of his day.

      Plot summary


      The Sun Also Rises set in Paris, it describes the lives of some so-called Lost Generation, who once fought and worked in the World War I. After the war, they suffered great moral and psychological aimlessness.

      There are three main characters in the novel. Jake is an American veteran of World Warworking as a journalist in Paris, where he and his friends engage in an    endless round of decadent drinking and parties. Although Jake is the most stable of his friends, he struggles with anguish over his love for Lady Brett Ashley, his impotence, and the moral vacuum that resulted from the war. In fact, Lady Brett Ashley loves Jake, but she is unwilling to commit to a relationship with him because it will mean    giving up sex. One of Jakes fiends, Cohn, is quite taken with Brett, and he gets angry when Jake tells him that Brett plans to marry Mike. Brett is unwilling to commit fully to any of the me

      n who become infatuated with her, though she has affairs with a number of them. In the end, Jake seems to have reached a more realistic appreciation

      of their situation as well as his own.


      My Comments

      Before the novel opens, Hemingway quotes two epigraphs. The first one is  You are all the lost generation. The other one is  The world endures,  and the  sun continues to rise and set despite the inevitable passage of each human generation into  death . These two epigraphs pr

      oduces an ambivalent tone. On the one hand, there is    hope, because  there will  be  a  new  generation  after  the  aimless  generation  that populates The Sun Also Rises, On the other hand, there is bitter irony, since every generation is lost, in one sense because, each generation will eventually die.

      In this novel, Hemingway portrays the lives of Lost Generation, the group of men and women whose early adulthood was consumed by World War I. This horifick conflict in War, set new standers for death and immorality. It shattered many people s beliefs in traditional values of love, faith, and manhood. Without these long-held notions to rely on, their lives become aimle


      Nearly all of Jakes friends are alcoholics. Wherever they happen to be, they drink, usually to excess. Often, their drinking is a form of escaptiom. Drunkenness allow Jake and his friends to endure lives severely lacking in affection and purpose.    However  alcohol frequently brings out the  worst in their mental  and emotional turmoil.

      The coversations among Jake and his friends are rarely direct or hoest. Their friendship is false. They hide true feelings behind a mask of civility. Although the legacy of the war toments them all, they are unable to communicate this to

      rment. They can talk about the war only in an excessively humours or trite fashion. The moments of honest, genuine communication generally arise only when the characters  are feeling their worst. Expressions  of true affection, on the other hand, are limited  almost to all of their coversations.

      Although Hemingway never explicitly states that Jake and his friends  lives are aimless, or that this aimlessness is a result of the war. Instead, he implies these ideas  through his portrayal of the characters emotional and mental lives. These stand in stark conrast to the characters surface action. Jake and his friends constant carousing does not make them happy. Very ofte

      n, their merrymaking is  joyless and driven by


      alcohol. At best , it allows them not to think about their innner lives or about the war. Although they spend nearly all of their time partying in one way or another, they remain sorrowful or unfulfilled. Hence, their drinking and dancing is just a futile distraction, a purposeless activity characteristic of a wandering, aimless life.

【英语读书报告 英语读书报告模板图片】相关文章:



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