英语应用文写作范文 英语应用文写作范文大全

时间:2023-09-06 00:44:48 文档下载 投诉 投稿



      假设你是Liu Ming,下面是你的笔友Zhang Ping给你发来的e—mail,请你也用e-mail给Zhang Ping回信.所写内容的词数在80个左右。

      Dear Liu Ming,

      I'm very happy that you’re going to stay with us for the weekend。 Will you come by bus or by train ?When are you arriving? What do you look like? And what are you going to wear? Please tell me so that I can recognize you when I meet you at the station. By the way, what’s your favorite food, drink and fruit? I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. Please write to me soon。

Zhang Ping


      Dear Zhang Ping,

      Thanks for your last e—mail。 I’m going to your hometown by bus on Friday。 I’m arriving at about 4:00 in the afternoon。 You can meet me at the bus station. Sorry I forgot to send you a picture of mine by e-mail. I'm tall and a little thin。 I’ll wear a red T—shirt that day. Don’t think too much about food。 Home cooking is just OK。 I like orange juice best and bananas are my favorite fruit。 I'm sure we’ll have a lot of fun together。 Oh, I can't wait。

      Liu Ming二、便条



      Dear Alice,

      Thank you for inviting me to take part in your birthday party。 I'd like to come, but my mother is ill。 I have to stay at home to look after her。 So I can’t come。 Happy birthday to you!



      加拿大著名专家(expert)Jim Green将于本周日来我校作演讲,演讲主题是“Saving Our Earth",假如你是校学生会主席,请写则通知,告诉全校同学。






      Boys and girls,

          An expert called Jim Green from Canada will come to our school this Sunday。 He will give a report on“Saving Our Earth”。 The report will start in our school hall at 9:00 in the morning. Remember to bring your notebooks. Please keep quiet and don’t throw rubbish about。

      That’all. Thank you。



      (对话中要出现人物Liu Dong, food and drinks)【参考范文】


      Li Ming:Hello,Meimei!This is Li Ming.

      Meimei:Hi, Li Ming。

      Li Ming:Are you free this Sunday?

      Meimei:Yes,what's up?

      Li Ming:Would you like to go to the zoo with me?

      Meimei:Yes,I’d love to。

      Li Ming:Please Liu Dong about it。

      Meimei:Sure ,I’ll call him.Li Ming:Don’t forget to bring some food and drinks

      Meimei:All right。See you then.






      Welcome to English songs competition by Grade Eight!

      Want to spend a wonderful evening?

      Want to enjoy sweet English songs?

      Four best sings of every class will sing for us!

      Welcome to cheer on your favorite sings!

      Come on !

      Place: Our school dining hall

      Time: 7:00p.m。 Saturday, Dec。24

      Ticket :free


      根据提示写一张病假条(A Sick Leave)提示:加入你是陈燕,得了重感冒、头痛、咳嗽、睡不好,看了医生,需要卧床休息两天。因此,你向班主任王老师请假。


      A Sick Leave

      Dear Mr。 Wang,

      I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today. I’ve caught a bad cold。 I've had a headache and a cough。 I didn’t sleep well last night. I went to see the doctor. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow。 I hope I'll get well soon and go back to school the day after tomorrow. Thank you。Yours,

      Chen Yan





      Apr 20th,2011

      I lost my handbag on the way to work this morning。 There is an English book and a dictionary in it, I wish the finder to return it to me very soon, Will the finder please come to the No。1 Middle School or call me? My phone number is 8850888.My name is Li Ming。 I'll pay him or her for it。 Thank you!





      Apr 20th,2011

      I found a set of keys on the playground yesterday。 Please cal Li Ming at 8812085.Li Ming




      To dear Mum,

      Happy Women's Day!

      Thank you for working so hard and wish you to be happy forever!

      From your daughter





      When we write a diary we should pay attention to:


           一般是在左上角记上当天的日期、星期,时间的排列顺序与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的形容词,如:fine(晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪的),sunny(晴朗的),rainy(多雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等。日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写。时态:



      October  16th,2008         Thursday                                             Rainy

         Today, I still went to my mother’s office。 My mother was very busy, so was my father。 They always live in Beijing. They work hard every day. So I should save my money. And I can help them with housework because I am one of my families。 In the future, I will take a job and work。 But now I should study hard. 




      From: __________       To: __________

      Date: ___________      Time: ___________

      Message: _________________________________


       _______( 记录人)


      Dear Meimei,

      I came to your house to return your books. But your were out。 I have had to leave the books with Lily. Thank you for lending them to me.

      By the way, we are going to hold an English party on Saturday evening。 Please call me if time doesn't suit。

      Wei Fang




      To:Meimei     From:Li Ming

      Time:Sunday  Place:Zoo

      Time:7:00p。m. Staurday,Dec.24 Ticket: free

      To our dear teacher,

      Happy Teachers’ Day!

      Thank you for teaching us so well.

      We hope you’ll have a very happy year in our class。

      Good luck! Best wishes!

      From your students



      invitation letter  邀请信


      i think it would be a great idea if you could.(说明与收信人的相关性和写作意图)


      my family and i would feel much honored if you could come。 we would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. please let me know your decision soon.                                            sincerely yours



      reply to an invitation  回执


      1 感谢对方的邀请;2 愉快的表示接受;3表示期待赴会和与对方见面的心情

      dear mary

      thank you very much for your invitation。 it will be a great pleasure for me to join…。。 i will arrive …。on time。 i look forward to meeting you.                                            yours



      1 依然表示感谢;2 说明原因,对无法出席表示遗憾;

      3 表达祝愿,即祝活动顺利进行

      dear mr。 zheng

      thank you very much for your invitation。 i would like to attend …. unfortunately, i am afraid that i will not be able to come。because ….

            i feel very sad to miss this opportunity of meeting you。 i wish the…。a complete success。

                                        sincerely yours



      thank—you letter  感谢信


      i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt appreciation to you for your timely help and assistance.(表明写作意图)(on behalf of my whole family,i`````)


      nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, we will nurture them forever. thanks again for your kind help。please accept my thanks, now and always.(再次感谢)

      sincerely yours




      congratulatory letter 祝贺信


      i am so pleased and happy to hear that。。。 warmest congratulations to you, all of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements!(表达听到的喜悦心情)


      please accept our most sincere congratulations and very best wishes for all the good future in the world。

      i wish you still further success。

      sincerely yours



      apology letter 道歉信

      dear···i am indeed very sorry that···i feel badly sorry about it and want you to know what happened.(重述自己做错的事,表示歉意)


      i sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. please forgive me for my unsuiyable behavior. let’s not put a little misunderstanding between us。 once again, i'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.(再次承认错误,请求谅解)

      sincerely yours


       introductive letter 介绍信


      please allow me to introduce my···to you。(介绍此人基本情况)

      说明情由,介绍目的it would be appreciated if you can give her some help。

        thanks for your attention and hope to receive your reply soon.(说明需要哪些帮助,并致谢)

      sincerely yours



      application letter 申请信dear···

      i am writing in response to your advertisement in···(写信的目的,介绍自己是谁,对所申请职位或学位的单位或院校的了解以及自己将会为对方所做的贡献,信息的来源等)

      i think i am the right person for the job you advertised, because。。。(介绍自己的优势)

      thanks for considering my application and i am looking forward to your reply。i can be reached at 电话。if you can give me a personal interview, i would be most grateful。 hope to meet you in the near future。

      sincerely yours


      suggested letter 建议信


      i am writing to express my views concerning。。。 and i will try to make some suggestions.(表明写作意图,陈述事由)

      首先肯定有点,然后提出建议。i think it would be more beneficial if you could.。.

      i believe you will take my advice into account。 i hope you will find these suggestions helpful。 i will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard。 i will be ready for further discussing this matter into details.sincerely yours



      complain letter 投诉信


      i am writing to make a complaint about。.。 i am most reluctant to complain, but now i feel very disappointed.(讲明要投诉的问题)


      i hope you will give due attention to this matter。 i could not be more satisfied if you can kindly···(提出解决方案)sincerely yours



      consultation letter 咨询信


      简单叙述题目场景,说明写作意图i would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.询问具体问题

      your attention to this letter would be highly appreciated。 thank you in advance for your assistance。 i can be reached at 电话 and my e—mail address is···i look forward to your quick reply。 (表明急切获取信息的心情,提供联系方式以便收信人与你联络,对收信人所能给予的任何帮助都要表示感谢)


      (一)   书信(Letter)

                                                      March 26th, 2009

      Dear Cathy,I like your program very much。 It has a lot of interesting stories, attractive games and popular English songs。 From your program we can learn many new words and expressions. We can improve our listening and speaking in English 。We can also know more about the culture of other countries in the world。 In a word, we learn a lot from your program。

      I'm sorry to tell you that I can’t follow you easily sometimes because you speak little bit fast。 It’s also a pity that we can only watch your program twice a week。

      Thank you for giving us a lot of fun! I wish your program a bright future!

      Yours sincerely



      To: Kayla @hotmail.com

      Cc: None

      Subject: Re: Pen—pal wanted

      Hello, Kayla,

      I'm Mike. I am 15 years old. I’m glad to know that you would like to have a pen—pal。 I also want to find a pen—pal from the Internet. When I’m free, I like to listen to the music, go hiking and play basketball。 I'm good at English and art .We can learn from each other and be good friends. I hope to hear from you often。

      Best wishes。







      Attention, please!

      This is your monitor, Chen Tao。 I have something to tell you。 This Friday, April 21st, we shall go to Stone Field Country Park for this year's spring trip. The park is in the south of Guangzhou。 It's a very beautiful place。 We can see many kinks of plants there。 We can also have sports games for fun and BBQ meals in the park。 But remember that fire can only be allowed in the barbecue places.



      假设今天是2009年3月12日,星期天,天晴。请根据下面通知内容,用英语写一篇80个词左右的日记.参考词汇:ride, arrive, dig a hole, put , carry water, leave, tiredNotice

      All the teachers and students are supposed to meet outside the school gate at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning in old clothes to plant trees on West Hill。

      The School Hill

      March 11, 2009

      March 12, 2009, Sunday                            Fine


           Today is fine. All our teachers and we students went to plant trees. At 8 in the morning we met outside the school gate。 Then we rode our bikes to West Hill。 About half past eight, we arrived there。 As soon as we got there, some of us dug holes, some put the young trees in the holes, and others carried water and watered the trees。 We all worked hard。 About 11:30, we left there. Though we were very tired, we felt very happy。


      To our dear teacher,

      Happy Teachers’ Day!

      Thank you for teaching us so well.

      We hope you’ll have a very happy year in our class。

      Good luck! Best wishes!

      From your students


      From:打电话的人       To:要找的人

      Date: ___________      Time: ___________

      Message: _________________________________


                                                     接电话的人( 记录人)





      I lost/left a key with a brown monkey(toy) on the playground (on June 26th)。Will the finder/anyone who found it, please come to Class 1,Grade 3 of No.1 Middle School( or call/ring on …)

      Thank you!

      Gao Feng



      A watch and a suit of sports clothes were found in the gymnasium on the morning of June 8th。Will the owners ring me up? My telephone number is 22843215.


      假设你是王刚,请你给外籍教师Mr Brown 写张请假条.注意请假条格式。内容:明天你要到泉州参加运动会,不能跟同学们一起去植树,请假两天。

      Dear Mr。 Brown,

      Tomorrow I will go to Quanzhou to take part in a sports meeting, so I can’t plant trees with my classmates. I will have to ask two days' leave.

      Thank you。


      (十) 主题发言 (或演讲)

      Proud of school

      My school is very big with several tall buildings。 There are 2000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots of trees around it。 There are a lot of flowers everywhere

      We have lots of fun at school。 After class we play games and do lots of sports, like playing basketball, football and table tennis .Sometimes we have class meetings。 They are very interesting。

      I love my school because it’s like a big family。 The teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart。I want to be an inventor。 I would like to try out many ideas and make many machines to change the world。 If I want to be an inventor, I should have much knowledge。 So now, I must study hard, and do many things all by myself。



      A Party

      Time:7:30 p。m             

      Date: July 4 thPlace: Class 1,Grade 9


      (十二) 便条


      Dear Meimei,

      I came to your house to return your books。 But your were out. I have had to leave the books with Lily。 Thank you for lending them to me。

      By the way, we are going to hold an English party on Saturday evening。 Please call me if time doesn't suit。 

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