大学英语四级作文历年真题及范文 英语四级作文历年真题参考范文

时间:2023-09-06 01:51:57 文档下载 投诉 投稿




      Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a Hope Elementary School organized by your Student Union. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


      On the morning of June 1st, a group of volunteers from our university’s Student Union paid a visit to a Hope Primary School to help the children there have a happy Children’s Day.

      We arrived at this school at nine in the morning and th

e children welcomed us warmly. This volunteer activity mainly include three parts. In the first place, we introduced ourselves briefly, which helped us to know each other better. Additionally, we organized some recreational activities. For example, our talented volunteers taught those children to dance and sing. In the end, we gave the stationery prepared in advance to these lovely children.

      This volunteer activity was really impressive. It gave us an opportunity to experience a different life and we were really moved by the children’s enthusiasm.







      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考范文】

      Dear Mike,

      How is everything going with you? Hearing that you have a plan to learn Chinese, I am writing to you to recommend a university where you can absolutely have a fruitful learning experience. My recommendation is Beijing University, a prestigious university suitable for language learning in China.

      The reasons accounting for my recommendation are as follows. To begin with, being a

      first-class university with the best facilities and the finest teachers, Beijing University is capable of offering a professional guidance and systematic training for you to master Chinese. Furthermore, the location of this university, Beijing, is the capital of China with profound

      historical sediment in culture. Consequently, not only can you get in touch with those who speak the most standard Mandarin, but also you will experience the wonder of real Chinese culture. All in all, I sincerely welcome you to have a visit to Beijing. I will wait for you in there and offer help whenever you need. I am already eagerly awaiting your reply.


      Li Hua 2018年6月CET4


      Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Student Use of Computers. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

      1. 下图为1990年,1995年,2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化;

      2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);

      3. 你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。


      As is shown in the chart, great changes have taken place in students’ use of computers in colleges. The hours students spent on computers per week soared from about 2 in 1990 to 20 in 2000, more than 9 times higher. (图表所反映出的具体信息和比较性描述)

      Obviously, computers are becoming increasingly popular among college students. There are several reasons for this. (分析现象产生的原因)On one hand, computers facilitate us in many aspects of life. Through computers, we could keep close contact with friends and family, shop online and find whatever information we are interested in. On the other hand, with the fast development of the Internet, our demands on computers increased sharply. Life without computers is literally impossible. Last but not least, with the drop in prices of computers, more students can afford computers. (3个原因)

      Just as each coin has two sides, there still exist some problems. To begin with, many students use computers only to play video games, and gradually they may get hooked, which definitely has a negative influence on their studying. What’s more, many students’ health has been damaged as a result of excessive exposure to computers. (提出这个变化可能引起的问题)2018年12月CET4


      Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of living in a big city. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


      With the rapid growth of big cities, more and more people choose to live in a big city. Nowadays, it is commonly believed that living in a big city will provides them with many opportunities, but I wonder that people who live in a big city are facing more challenges. There are numerous challenges of living in a big city, and I would explore only three challenges here. The first challenge is that the house prices are so high that only a small proportion of people can afford. In order to live in the big cities, it is necessary for others to rent the house with a high price. The second one is that the companies in big cities ask their employees to create value all the time, which results in high living pressure for staffs. The last one is that people who living there don’t have intimate friends to share their feelings.

      Based on the points discussed above, we may reasonably draw the conclusion that people living in a big city are in front of many challenges. Dealing with the challenges is not different from conquering a great mountain. Both require determination, courage, and perseverance.







      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


      On the Relationship between Doctors and Patients

      In the present age, it is generally acknowledged that the relationship between doctors and patients is playing indispensable roles in our lives. As far as I am concerned, we should balance this kind of relationship from two aspects, doctors and patients.

      The causes of this perspective are multiple. In the first place, the reason has been cited as a major reason that doctors cannot be understood, for patients always maintain doctors can cure all kinds of disease. This is mainly due to the fact that although medical technology and science are advanced at an amazing rate, there exists a multitude of various kinds of diseases we cannot cure. Furthermore, the reason can contribute this perspective that patients are believed to be lack of the fundamental medical knowledge, which results in this relationship are worried. Plenty of evidence has shown that an increasing number of patients often go to extremes if their diseases cannot be cure instantly.

      When it comes to our modern society, it is universally acknowledged that dealing with the relationship between doctors and patients in a reasonable way plays a vitally important role in

      our lives. Undoubtedly, if we spare no efforts to do so, our future will be hopeful and promising.


      【真题】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


      On the Relationship between Doctors and Patients

      In the present age, it is generally acknowledged that the relationship between doctors and patients is playing indispensable roles in our lives. As far as I am concerned, we should balance this kind of relationship from two aspects, doctors and patients.

      The causes of this perspective are multiple. In the first place, the reason has been cited as a major reason that doctors cannot be understood, for patients always maintain doctors can cure all kinds of disease. This is mainly due to the fact that although medical technology and science are advanced at an amazing rate, there exists a multitude of various kinds of diseases we cannot cure. Furthermore, the reason can contribute this perspective that patients are believed to be lack of the fundamental medical knowledge, which results in this relationship are worried. Plenty of evidence has shown that an increasing number of patients often go to extremes if their diseases cannot be cure instantly.

      When it comes to our modern society, it is universally acknowledged that dealing with the relationship between doctors and patients in a reasonable way plays a vitally important role in our lives. Undoubtedly, if we spare no efforts to do so, our future will be hopeful and promising.



      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


      Dear ______,

      I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

      No one would disagree that it was you who___________________________(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes.

      Yours sincerely,

      Li Ming (注意:抬头的Dear+人名顶格靠左写,后面一定要加逗号!落款yours sincerely和写信人名顶格靠右写,yours sincerely后面也一定要加逗号!Yours sincerely为书信的惯用套话,这个必须得有!)


      Dear Tom,

      I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your great help when I failed that vital English interview. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me those brilliant suggestions andwarm encouragement, I fear that I would have lost my way.

      No one would disagree that it was you who stayed with me and pulled me through the hard time. First and foremost, you told me it is the priority for me to calm down. This is due to the fact that the ability to stay sober and positive made me come up with quite a few ideas to cope with the consequence that failure triggered. Furthermore, you made me learn to analyze my lack of interview skills and find solutions. Plenty of evidence has shown that this work played an indispensable role in my success the next year. Last but not the least, you helped to build my confidence.

      Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes. Yours sincerely,Li Ming



      Directions: For this part, youare allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upongraduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduateschool. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain thereasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. 【参考范文】

      What Do We Do upon Graduation

      Owing to the rapid social and economic development, the number ofgraduates who stick to further study to obtain higher degrees has substantiallyincreased. However, as for me, taking a job in a company seems to be a smarterchoice.

      I would take three major elements into consideration when making suchdecision. First and foremost, it is high time that I took responsibility oftaking care of myself. Specifically, having been greatly supported in financialterms by my family, I would like to earn my own bread. Furthermore, it’sdifficult for job hunters to landing a job in the recent decade. Undoubtedly,if there is an opportunity to find one, I have no excuse to wait another threeyears. Last but not the least, we can gain some practical experience during working,which is hard to learn in school. Taking a job in a company, as far as I am concerned, should be apriority upon graduation. Not only can we open up new horizons but check ourstudy results as well. Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, Isuggest that graduates who are capable of finding a job catch it immediately.Only in this way can we seize more chances in our lives.


      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one isto work in a state-owned business and the other in a joint venture. You are tomake a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for yourchoice. You should write at least 120words but no more than 180 words.


      On the Options uponGraduationIn the present age, it is generally acknowledged that choosingjobs is playing indispensable roles in our lives. As far as I amconcerned, if I have two options upon graduation: one is to work in astate-owned business and the other in a joint venture, my choice is to work ina joint venture. The causes of this choice are multiple. Inthe first place, the reason has been cited as a major reason that it isbeneficial to our inpiduals. This is mainly due to the fact that workingin a joint

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