历年四级考试作文题目以及范文 历年四级作文题目汇总2023

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      1. 2015年6月四级作文题目:

      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

      1. 目前,很多学生沉迷于手机,对学习生活产生消极影响。

2. 作为大学生,我们应当培养一些什么好习惯?

      3. 简述两至三点好习惯的养成对于今后学习生活的意义。


      It’s not uncommon that many of today’s learners are addicted to cell phones, which in a way has exerted negative influence on their study and life proven by scientific researches. However, it remains possible that students can establish healthier ways of student life by cultivating some systematic habits. As far as I’m concerned, college life should include the following good habits.

      The habit of regular exercise should be our first priority since it is proven that physical activities help stimulate concentration and good mood. Therefore, we should challenge ourselves to make friends with the university sports center, the lush green paths encircling the campus or the bikes for hire scattered around streets. The habit of regular reading should also be taken into account in college students’ daily routine. School should be the time that we can read what we really care about or what expands our mind beyond our usual learning scope, such as novels, stories, or essays. Finally, we can develop and present the habit of getting up and going to bed early. By doing so, we can ensure adequate sleep, clear mind and best learning performance during the day.

      In conclusion, it cannot be overemphasized that the importance of good habits in college study and life. Only by establishing systematic and healthy habits can we achieve great success in our future life.

      2. 2016年12月四级作文题目:

      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:



      Nowadays, with the increase of job positions, the competition in the job market has also become more and more intense. It is not difficult to find that a large number of college graduates and even people with rich experiences are facing the challenge of finding a good job. Therefore, how to ease the employment anxiety has become a popular topic.

      To cope with the situation, the immediate task for us is to adjust our mindset. Instead of pursuing high salary or a famous company, we should concentrate on developing our talents so that we can stand out in the job market. For instance, we can improve our skills or obtain professional certificates through some courses. In addition, we should be fully prepared for the interview, including researching the company, designing an appropriate résumé and refining our interview skills.

      We can also seek help from our networks by attending career fairs, chatting with alumni and professionals, and networking in social media. By doing so, we can keep pace with the latest job trends and be aware of possible job opportunities.All in all, to overcome employment anxiety, we have to put more efforts on continuous self-improvement and developing our potentials, as well as making use of the resources offered.3. 2017年6月四级作文题目:

      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

      1. 目前,越来越多的年轻人喜欢追求时尚和个性。

      2. 造成这一现象的原因是什么?

      3. 追求时尚和个性的利与弊是什么?


      Nowadays, an increasing number of young people are keen on pursuing fashion and inpiduality. There are a number of reasons contributing to this trend.

      First and foremost, the rapid development of science and technology has greatly facilitated our lives, making our living standard much higher than before. Consequently, we have more opportunities to explore the world and experience different cultures, which greatly influences our aesthetic and cultural tastes. Secondly, the fierce competition in the job market has made people more concerned about their image and impression, as a unique appearance and personality can help them stand out from the crowd. Additionally, the booming industries such as fashion, media, entertainment and social networking have further stimulated people's desire for personal expression and innovation.

      However, this trend also has its drawbacks. On the one hand, people's excessive emphasis on external appearance and popularity not only brings huge economic burden but also results in social stratification and discrimination. On the other hand, some inpiduals may overindulge in the pursuit of fashion and inpiduality and ignore rational thinking, moral standing and social responsibility.

      In conclusion, we should approach the trend of pursuing fashion and inpiduality in a more rational and balanced way. We should respect personal expression and innovation, but also stay true to our principles, values and responsibilities to the society.

      4. 2018年12月四级作文题目:

      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

      1. 近几年来,移动支付在中国得到了广泛应用。

      2. 分析移动支付日益普及的原因。

      3. 移动支付带来的影响及你的看法。


      In recent years, mobile payment has gained wide application in China, with more and more people replacing cash and credit cards with mobile apps such as WeChat and Alipay. This trend can be attributed to several factors.

      Firstly, the technological advancement has facilitated the development of mobile payment systems, which are more efficient, convenient, and secure compared with traditional payment methods. Secondly, the improvement of digital infrastructure in China has promoted the penetration of mobile payment, making it more accessible to people living in rural and remote areas. Thirdly, the rise of the online-to-offline (O2O) business model, such as online shopping, food delivery, and transportation, has generated a huge demand for mobile payment, which simplifies the transaction process and boosts customer loyalty.As a result, the popularity of mobile payment has brought profound impacts on inpiduals, businesses, and society. On the one hand, it has greatly enhanced convenience and efficiency in transactions, saving a significant amount of time and energy. On the other hand, it has also raised concerns over personal information security, digital pide, and even social trust. Therefore, it is necessary for the relevant authorities to regulate and supervise the development of mobile payment in a balanced and transparent approach, guaranteeing the benefits of all stakeholders, including the users, the businesses, and the government.

      In sum, mobile payment has become an indispensable part of China's digital economy, signaling the country's readiness and willingness to embrace innovation and change. However, we need to be cautious and responsible in its development and utilization, in order to maximize its potentials and minimize its risks.The given title is "Four College English Writing Topics for Practice". In this article, four college English writing topics have been provided, each with a brief outline. These topics cover various aspects of modern life, including technology, fashion, and mobile payment. The aim of this practice is to help college students improve their English writing skills by providing them with an opportunity to write about contemporary issues.

      The first topic focuses on the impact of technology on social relationships, prompting students to reflect on whether technological advancements have brought people closer or created distance. The second topic revolves around the increasing trend of pursuing fashion and inpiduality among young people, requiring students to examine the reasons behind this trend and its advantages and disadvantages. The third topic deals with the rise of mobile payment in China, encouraging students to analyze the factors contributing to its popularity and the potential impacts on society. Lastly, the fourth topic asks students to write about their personal experiences of living in a foreign country, providing them with a chance to reflect on cultural differences and how to adapt to a new environment.

      Through writing about these topics, college students can enhance their critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, it allows them to become better communicators and express their ideas and opinions more effectively in written form. With regular practice, students can develop the ability to structure their writing logically, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar correctly, and convey their messages with clarity and coherence.In conclusion, practicing English writing on various contemporary topics is a valuable exercise for students. It enhances their language skills, fosters their creativity, and deepens their understanding of the world around them. So, students should take advantage of this opportunity to improve their English writing ability and gain greater confidence in expressing themselves.

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