影评范文精选七年级英语 初一影评英语作文

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      《国王的演讲》(The King’s Speech)


      King George VI was the king in England in 1945, he encouraged British people in second World to fight Hitler by his exciting speech. But do you know, king George VI had a stuttering problem, before he became a king, he just couldn’t say any word in front of crowd. Because of his amazing change, people made a film about him <King’s speech>.

      <King Speech> was a new take in the movie, this movie made from real story, it is different from the

movie that was not real, and the focus was not on the good or bad plot. It is the changing that the King George VI went through.

      In the movie, Albert (the name of the king) can not say any word in front of the crowd. Albert wanted to change his stuttering, he found many doctors to help him, but all the doctors can’t help with his stuttering. Then one day, Albert’s wife found a strange man. He can treat stuttering, so Albert came to his place, then both men tried their best, when Albert became a king, he can talk very well.

      One of my favorite characters was the doctor that help King George VI, it was a funny and strange man, he won’t flatter when he saw the king, he wanted to have equal dialogue with the king, he was a man of principle, but he can do well in treatment stuttering, and he also can be a very good friend, because those good characters this man had, I love the man very much.

      In this movie, we can learn many things, the most important thing is: people can change their bad thing by their studying, when you are not good enough, you can study, then being better.

      If you have enough time at weekend, I think you can watch that movie.

      范文2The King’s speech talks about a king gave many inspiring speeches at the World War II, it was the king’s voice that encouraged others. But before he could make a speech so great, he was a stammerer. But how can that be? That was amazing!

      This movie was made from a real story. When George V died, George VIII gave up the throne, Bertie instead of him became a new king——George V. But he needed to surmount many hinderances like he must give speeches well. Finally, he became a real king.

      One of my favorite characters was Bertie. At first, he couldn’t say any word well, that made him depressed, he tried to see many doctors to cure his sickness, but it doesn’t work. No one could fix it. Bertie felt so bad, he always couldn’t say well. But what the most important thing was he always has the hope in his life.

      The other one of my favorite characters was the doctor, he was very special, because he was different from the others. The other doctors used many common means, But this doctor put science, medicine and psychology together. He knew the real useful means to treat him. He always can make Bertie feel relaxed. They are not only the doctor and patients, they are also the friends, Time after time, Bertie can speak better. This doctor helped Bertie came out of his childhood’s shadow, and go to the light. This doctor was really good and special. At last, because of this doctor’s help, Bertie can make very good speech. they kept their friendship a lifelong time.

      I like the doctor very much, too. Sometimes when you meet the problem, if you also meet the person who is like the doctor, then you are so lucky. He can make you come out of the shadow, and being better.

      If you meet some problems in your life, then you can watch this movie.


      <the King’s Speech> tells the story of the Duke with a severe stammer who after the death of his predecessor and the departure of another king, he becomes to the king and needs to have a speech when World War II begins. In the film, the King who suffered from a severe stuttering, is always depressed about his own problem. His wife went to see the doctor in order to help him stop stuttering. He didn’t like the doctor at first, but then he found himself very happy after listening to music and even reading Shakespeare’s works aloud. Although he went through many difficulties later on, he still excellently finished the inspiring speech in the end.

      My favorite part of the movie is the part about King Albert and the Doctor Logue. Albert’s question is he has tried a lot of ways and seen a lot of doctors, nothing worked. But then he met Logue, While his brother was still in power, he was very angry about his brother for abandoning the country. But Logue saw that he would make a good king. So Logue kept trying to tell him to be brave. This Logue helped Albert along the way. both as a doctor and as a friend. He helped Albert go through all of the difficulties, and in this movie, my favorite character is the doctor Logue.

      This film is very inspiring, because it is a real story, and it’s talking about a story of overcome difficulties, I think, it’s necessary to have a look.


      Today I watched a movie called The King’s Speech. It’s about a prince, his name is George. His brother was supposed to be a king, but her brother married an illegal wife, so George was going to be a king. But he didn’t want to be a king because he stuttered. He has hot a lot of laughing in his first speech. So he went to see many many doctors, and finally he found a doctor named Lionel. At first their contact was not very good, but he really had no choice, so he went to see the doctor again. This time they talked quite well, and soon they were successful in their training and became good friends. In his first speech as a king, he succeeded with the help of the doctor. He succeeded in overcoming his stuttering.In this movie, my favorite character is the stuttered king. I think the king is very courageous and very persistent. My favorite part is the king’s speech, he succeeded in doing the speech with the help of the doctor. At that time, I feel like I am going to shout how exciting it is! It’s like I was successful in life, we should learn more from him and learn his spirit of perseverance.


      Today, I watched a movie, it’s called the King’s Speech, it was a very exciting movie, but it was very interesting.

      It talks about a prince who had stuttering, because he is a king’s son. So he had many speeches. But he can’t say any word in the public, that makes his people very disappointed. And came many doctors to cure his stuttering. But they all didn’t make it. And his wife found another doctor. she let the king see him. At first, the king didn’t believe the doctor will cure his stuttering, but he did visit him, then the doctor told the king, the king cooperated with the doctor to cure his stuttering, and finished his important speech, to be the king of the country.

      In the movie, I like the one who helped the king to overcome his stuttering, because I think he is very kind to help the king. He has many ways, he didn’t give up when the king gave up himself, he tried to convince the king, and in his mind, everyone is equal, the king is no better than him, his ideas made it easier for him to talk and cure the king. Finally, he also told the king to go on. So that the king has the courage to be the real king, it was him who gave the king the courage to stand on platform and speak.

      The protagonist is the king and the doctor. In fact, there is a supporting actress and she is important, too. It’s the king’s wife she is the one who sent the king to doctor, that’s why we have the story.

      And this story also tells us when you want to have something, you have to work on it. That’s why the king successful completed his speech, and won the love of his people.


      This movie tells a true story. Albert is not good at speaking, he doesn’t have a good speaking skill, then he went to see a lot of doctors, but it’s not good. Then he met another doctor, the doctor let him read the Shakespeare with music, when he had found that he really did it. Finally, Albert spoke in public in World War II, in the end he became a real king. I think it’s a very good movie, he told us, if you have difficulty you can’t go back, you have to go on to help yourself.

      I like the doctor very much, he is different from other doctors, what is more important is that he brings courage to others, he makes a person better, this is the most different thing from other doctors.


      Yesterday, I watched a movie that was called the King’s Speech, It has been written by a real story from the British of 21th century.

      It was about the British King George VI, and it happened around 1925~1940. The main character was Duke of York (Albert Johnson), he has got stammer trouble since his childhood, When he gave speeches he can’t talk fluently. His wife searched many doctors but they can’t cure Albert’s stammering problem. At last, a friend of his wife introduced her a therapist, called Lionel Rogge, he used a special way to “cure” Albert’s stammer. Finally, Albert became King George VI, when he gave speeches this time, he didn’t stammer.

      I like two characters in this movie: George VI and Lionel. Actually, George VI was a good general in army, He is good at fighting in the battlefield, but he must do the things he didn’t like. He actually did not want to be a king. and king must speak in the public, he can’t do it! When he was young, he was abused by nanny and he had some body problems. And he wore a form to correct his problemed leg. This made him very unconfident. He can talk very good when he had conversation with his family, he only can’t speak well in public. The way I like him is he always tried his hard, with Lionel’s help, he overcame his trouble. We should learn the way he was successful.

      The second character is Lionel, He was a therapist of Albert, he not only let Albert practice talking, but also motivate him to be confident as a king, cause his confident is more important than talking in public. He wanted to have equal conversations with Albert, because he was a man of principle. It’s not only for the way he cured Albert, this is the real reason why he was so fierce, that’s why I like him.What I learned from this movie is: if you want to do something better, you must have confidence and courage, it also reminds me that talking fluently is important, too. So we need to improve our conversation skills.


      I watched the King’s Speech yesterday. This is a real story. It tells George VI cured a stammering with Lionel. After the first treatment, Lionel let George know he can speak very fluently. This earned his trust, then they kept in touch, George VI allowed Lionel to do all kinds of training. During this time, his father died. He became the king in stead of his brother, because his brother did not want to inherit the throne.In the end, the latest king is him. At this point, he broke up with Lionel, but in the first speech, Lionel still provided him with the help. From beginning to end, the speech is perfect. This marks not only a victory for the king, but also a victory for Lionel.

      In this movie, I like Lionel very much. I think he is kind and clever, because he saw some people came back from the war. They can’t speak, he helped them with stuttering, and he  thought of ideas with stuttering, that is amazing and unbelievable, so I think he is kind and clever.

      This movie let me know nothing can defeat yourself, and let me have the power. It’s perfect!范文9

      George VI – the king of British, after his father died, his brother David became the new king of the British. But being a king is not David’s goal. He fell in love with a woman called Wallis, David wanted to marry Wallis and have a free life. So he gave his place to his brother Bertie (George VI).

      But George had mechanical difficulties with speech. So he did much to fix the problem. But on one can fix it. One day, Bertie met Lionel, at first, he felt only hopeless, he left there angrily, but after that he began to follow Lionel’s instructions, he did everything as Lionel said. Lionel began to relax Bertie’s jaw muscles, and strengthen his tongue. “ Alllloooouuuuuu…”

      “Ale Ale Ale Ale…”

      After a long time of hard working, Bertie was getting well on his speech.

      After his father died.

      After he becomes the king.

      Now, German Nazis started the World War II, and the king must inspire his people to fight with Germany and protected British. He must make a speech.

      It was very difficult for Bertie to make a war speech. But with Lionel’s help, he made it! Bertie had perfect done the speech and had more and more confidence to face other speeches. Bertie really felt like a king, and his brother was proud of him, too.

      After the speech, Lionel was with Bertie every wartime speech, and they remained friends for their rest life.

      “Only those who respect themselves can be respected by others.”



        Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J.K.Rowling.The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter,together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger,his best friends.The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort,who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world,after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.



        Today,we watched a movie,the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow.What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc.the region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie,is almost each to descend more than ten degree.The sky still descends terrible hail,also having more afraid of of

        Tornado,city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado,making the whole city become more without results one.

        This really lets the person touch eyes shocking,make the person's heart can't fall calm once in a very long while,although exaggerate very in the movie,but we now not just so:world become warm...So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself,environmental protection,make our environments more beautiful!



        Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

        Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

        3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.


        阿甘正传影评  Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself,who has a low IQ of only 75.I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie,or maybe he just can't but either way,this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.It is just a movie,so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality.What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level.And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.



      Wolf Warriors II is an action movie directed by Wu Jing. Wu Jing also plays the role of the main character named Leng Feng in the movie. The story takes place in Africa. Leng Feng, who used to be a soldier, is in Africa. Unluckily, the war happens. Many Chinese people who live in Africa are suddenly caught in the middle of the war. Leng Feng chooses to fight instead of leaving the country for safety. He tries his best to protect and save the people in need.

       The main topic of this movie is patriotism. Leng Feng shows us his deep love for his country and people in the movie. It’s a touching and educational movie full of excitement. It’s worth watching.


      《疯狂动物城》I watched an English film called Zootopia in winter holiday. "Zootopia" is produced by Disney pictures with 3D animation. The film tells the story of a peaceful animal city. The rabbit Judy and the fox Nick complete their childhood dreams through their efforts. We can learn from this story — Don't base your hopes on others. We should try our best to achieve our dream. Never give up!

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