影评范文精选英语80字 影评范文精选15篇英语80字

时间:2023-09-07 14:42:07 文档下载 投诉 投稿



      Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played bySam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

      Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave theplanet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineralJake is sent there to control hisAvatar.However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins tosee that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there worktogether to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.Themessage of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmonywith it.


      Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J.K.Rowling.Thebooks chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter,togetherwith Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger,his best friends.The central story arc concernsHarrys struggle against the evil wizard Lord voldemort,who killed Harrys parents in his questto conquer the wizarding world,after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical)world to his rule.


      KungFu Panda is an interesting movie.First,Po is a big panda,he is very fat,but he has hisown dream.Po wants to be a Great master,to save people in bad life by kuangfu.The Shifuteachs him how to fight,and make him to save the world.At last,He beat Tai Lung.Po had manyfriends,Monkey,Master ViperMaster Tigress,Master Mantis,Master Crane.l thought he is agreat panda.He is a hero!l want to be the 2nd Po,to be a hero!

      英语电彩观后感80字4Simba,the prince of the animals kingdom,whose life was not always happy.Simbasuncle,carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son,the old lion king died.And Simba,with hisuncle taking his fathers place,had no other choice but to flee.On his aimless road,he met twonew friends,a weasel and a boar.They were hearty.

      The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Throughefforts of himself and help from his friends,Simba finally defeated his uncle and became theking of the animals.

      This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only throughperseverance can one reach his goal.英语电影观后感80字5

      After watching it i learned that catch every chance what i meet and be activly to the life.And god will never miss us or give us upLike the actor,he can be such a life in the bottom ofsociety commitment-phobe deduced, at least, I was really touched. In order to pay the rentand looked at his son to send the kindergarten fees, looking at his envy ground to looking ata securities brokers figure, looked at him with a securities broker to win the opportunity tocommunicate with time, sit on the same car, looking at him and they are expecting to speak,he wants to become a securities broker. At last, he finally out of the crowd.歌舞青春

      It was just sooooo great! So much fun, too!! It's like every high school musical theater junkie's dream. Everyone was just excellent and the directing was superb. And I love the message this movie sends to young minds, that you explore other facets of expression other than the one that's socially acceptable. And I love the little undertones and subtleties throughout the film. And I love how all the tough mean hard guys are CLEARLY dancers in real life. I was muy impressed!! Everything and everyone was perfect. From the clothes, casting, choreography, sets.... it all looks like a dream. And in beautiful clear New Mexico. Who could want anything more!



      I have seen this movie easily a half a dozen times, and I find that the beauty of the film is how Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, including the audience, he also manages to retain that innocence and purity through some very difficult times. As a Viet Nam veteran, and a college graduate of the late Sixties, I could of course personally relate to the various periods that Forrest Gump endures. I would only mention that the skillful and seamless blending of music, action, and period costume was enthralling. And yet it was so perfectly understated that Forrest Gump's travels through thirty five years of the stormiest and most meaningful years of American history only became clearly defined for the viewer. Even more so than the well known chocolates quote as a metaphor for life, I felt that the remark that stupid is what you do is probably more workable for most of us.



      The folks who actually like this movie are the reason Hollywood makes very few quality movies any more. If you don't care then why should they? This movie is so bad from the beginning. Numerous tornadoes pummeling a West Coast city and there are actually people flying in helicopters to get a closer look. That's a brainy idea. Buildings freezing and crumbling yet the people outside don't seem to be affected so much. The "walk" from Philadelphia to New York? And in record time no less. I do like the fact that they had the foresight to have Antarctic weather gear handy for just these occasions. What of the tent that was able to withstand the chill but not the Empire State building? Call your local Army Navy store....they really need to stock these tents. I also found it amazing that any lines of communications were not really affected, including the under freezing water pay phone. The only ones who had communications losses were, of course, the main characters.....ah drama!! I know they were in a library but you think they could have possibly tried to burn all the wooden tables and chairs around them? Seems that they would burn warmer and for longer than books. The acting was horrific, the directing was terrible, the script was unbelievably bad and the special effects were anything but special. It certainly rates up there with Godzilla 2000 and Armageddon......it actually makes Independence Day look like one of the all time greats!===============================


      I remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses were incorrect. Everything that happens in this movie in unpredicted. The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while. The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable, there was barely any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they did a great job.

      I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.



      I thought this movie was very well done. It is an overlooked treasure. Ron Howard is a great film maker and he deserves more credit for this film. I'm a huge Ron Howard fan and I felt that this film was no better than any of his work done thus far. The dialog was a bit hard to understand, but the plot, acting and directing are what make the movie so great. Nicole Kidman is so beautiful in the movie and she really carries the movie with her charisma. Tom Cruise plays his part very well. The scenery in the movie is some of the best I've ever seen. It is easy to lose yourself in this movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone I know.



      This is the type of a film that's never boring no matter how often you watch it. It deserved every single award it got. It's touching, it's timeless and it's downright beautiful. I'm not a huge friend of extended versions because there's usually a perfectly good reason to take something out of the film and none whatsoever to put it back again, if pleasing hardcore fans isn't a good reason - that's totally a matter of opinion. However, "Dances with wolves" is certainly an exception.

      The nearly four hour version is the only one to be. Sure it sounds like it's too much but when you watch the movie it doesn't look a minute overlong and cutting even a second out of it would seem like a horrible crime. The original theater version was 52 minutes shorter which sound too cruel to be true. I mean really, what's there to cut? If you haven't seen "Dances with wolves" yet you have missed one of the greatest motion picture experiences of the 90's and you should do something about it instantly.


        Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.


        Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow.What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc. the region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie, is almost each to descend more than ten degree.The sky still descends terrible hail, also having more afraid of of

        Tornado, city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado, making the whole city become more without results one.

        This really lets the person touch eyes shocking, make the person's heart can't fall calm once in a very long while, although exaggerate very in the movie, but we now not just so:world become warm...So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself, environmental protection, make our environments more beautiful!

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