大学英语六级作文真题带范文 英语六级真题作文范文汇总

时间:2023-09-03 11:33:13 文档下载 投诉 投稿




        Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the impact of information explosion by referring to the saying "a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention". You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you can do to avoid being distracted by irrelevant information? You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




        Ways to Get Over Information Explosion

        As a famous saying goes, “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention”. Nowadays we are in the Information Age. Some people keep complaining about distraction by the information explosion.

        Admittedly, the new information age has brought us so much convenience that we are allowed to get enough information just with a simple click sitting in front of the computers. Nevertheless, we are also confused, annoyed, distracted and upset by an incredibly large quantity of information. For example, when searching for something online, people are easily carried away by irrelevant information and forget their original plan. Besides, some information often turns out to be useless and is actually advertisement. Therefore, it can be time-consuming and troublesome to search information online.

        Then what we can do to avoid being distracted by irrelevant information? Here I have some useful tips: Firstly, make a list of what you really want before your searching. This will help you to refuse some appealing, yet irrelevant information. Secondly, find some trustful and professional sources or websites and then save and categorize them. In this case, you can easily leave some ads and useless information behind.



        For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problems and be happy. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


      大学英语六级作文真题范文:  Happiness – Go for it

        In this long journey we call "life", everybody is in pursuit of happiness and has their own interpretation of happiness. An inspiring idea is that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them, which reveals the very truth about happiness. It cannot be achieved through waiting, but only through striving.

        There is no way that life always progresses as we wish. Problems may occur and we find ourselves in trouble, but it doesnt mean we are deprived of happiness. There are numerous examples for us to follow: disabled people overcoming obstacles, patients fighting against disease, poverty-stricken people achieving their dreams -- all these inspiring heroes. Their lives are definitely not problem-free, but they have found happiness by courageously solving problems.

        Therefore, it is essential to develop the ability to deal with problems. We need to muster our courage and confidence to face the fact. Meanwhile, we need to find effective ways to cope with them.

        In a word, if we stay strong and approach problems effectively, there will be no storm in life that we cannot weather. And after the storm, happiness is within our reach.大学英语六级作文真题(三):


        For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you will do to make your life more meaningful. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




        Among all the highlighted topics, there is “how to live a meaning life?” Everyone has his or her own opinion. As the saying has it, “the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” I cannot agree any more.

        If our life is just to pursue something for ourselves, we will surely feel fruitless and meaningless when we grow old. From Steve Jobs bibliography, we can get that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Steve Jobs has brought a great many changes to our world. His life, although short, definitely outlast. Thats a life worth living. Therefore, if there is a way to make my life meaningful, it should be to find something Im interested in and also helpful to others or the whole society. Only in this way can I keep my passion throughout my life until I finally fulfil my life.  猜你感兴趣:





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