Dear Mrs Mark,
I am giving Miss Fang Li, a lassmate of mine, this note
of introdution to ou and Mr. Mark, hen she goes to visit Ne York Cit. Miss Li is m good friend. She is invited b a
universit to stud there for a fe months. She is a kind oung lad. I believe ou ill enjo meeting and knoing eah other and bee friends. It is m hope that ou ill kindl invite her to sta in our house for a fe das.
Kind regards
Ver affetionatel,
Dear Ton,
This letter ill introdue m best friend Mar Bron of hom ou ve often heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D.
C. next month to leture. I ant ver muh to have her meet ou there.
And this seems like an exellent hane for ou to meet eah other. I think both of ou ill have a lot in mon. So far as I
kno, ou both are interested in modern literature. One ou meet her, ou ill reall enjo her pan. An kindness to her ill be dul appreiated b me.
Yours affetionatel,
Dear Ton,
This letter ill introdue m best friend Mar Bron of hom ou ve often heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D.
C. next month to leture. I ant ver muh to have her meet ou there.And this seems like an exellent hane for ou to meet eah other. I think both of ou ill have a lot in mon. So far as I kno, ou both are interested in modern literature. One ou meet her, ou ill reall enjo her pan. An kindness to her ill be dul appreiated b me.
Yours affetionatel,
身发展的必然趋势。在21 世纪初知识经济初见端倪的时代,国际商务英语作为英语的重要功能变体之一,正日益显示出其强大的生命力:其
Maer S.A
24th November 20##
Foshan Seethome Installations Ltd.
2 Xiue Street
Foshan, Guangdong
ChinaDear sirs,
In repl to our letter of 21st Novermber, We have pleasure in enlosing a detailed ation for bathroom shoers.
Besides those advertised in the Builers Joural, our illustrated atalogue also enolsed shos various tpes of bathroom fittings and the sizes available. Most tpes an be supplied from stok. 45-60 das should be alloed for deliver of those marked ith an asterisk.
Building ontrators in Hong Kong and Taian have found our equipment eas to install and attrative in apperane. Naturall all parts are replXXble. and our ation inludes pries of spare parts. We an allo a 2% disount on all orders of US$6,000 in value and overf, and a 3%on orders exeeding US$20,000.
An orders ou plae ith us ill be proessed promptl.
ours faithfull.
Franeso Marani
Sales Manager
Via S.Lorenzo, 24a
Castellon Spain
560001 Fax 560002
Koppermann GmbH
Shubert strasse 16, K-2618, Hamburg, German
1 41 61 00 00 Telefax:
0 41 61 00 01
2 April 200#
Ms Ni Minzhi
3W Co. Ltd.
3B Guihua Road
Shanghai 201X33
Dear Ms Ni,
Order No. 9953
Thank ou for our order hih has been pleted and is being sent to our toda.
As agreed e have forarded our bill, No, 2782 for
DM1720.00 ith the douments to our bank , Industrial Commerial Bank of China, Caohejing Branh, Shanghai. The Draft has been made out for pament 30 das after sight, and the douments ill be handed to ou on aeptane.
Yours sinerel
H. Koppermann
Managing Diretor
英语电子邮件的范文3Kiddie Korner,In. Marh 2nd,201X Datex Trading Co. Ltd. Lianfang building 666 Huauan Avenue Dalian,Liaoning China Dear Sir or Madam,
We ere impressed b the seletion of seaters that ere displaed on our stand at the Mensear Exhibition that as held in Chiago last month.
We are a large hain of retailers and looking for a manufaturer ho ould supplus ith a ide range of seaters for the teenage market.
As e usuall plae ver large orders,e ould expet a quantit disount in addition to a 20% trade disount off net list pries,and our terms of pament are normall 30 das bill of exhange,douments against pament.
If these onditions interest ou,and ou an meet orders of over 1000 garments at one time,please send us our urrent atalogue and prie-list.We hope to hear from ou soon.
Yours faithfull,
Fred Johns
China Trade Manager
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