英语四级考试作文优秀范文 英语四级考试作文真题范文

时间:2023-09-04 11:39:03 文档下载 投诉 投稿



      英语四级考试范文(一):Holidays Honoring the Pets

        To choose a new holiday is not easy. There have been many great people throughout history and many important events. Therefore, if I had the opportunity to establish a new holiday, I would do something completely different. Rather than honor a person or a human event, I would choose to celebrate mans most loyal companions-pets.

        In my opinion, establishing a National Pet Day is

a good idea for two very important reasons. First, it would remind us of how important animals are to us-not just cats and dogs and other common household pets, but also animals such as horses and those raised in captivity in zoos and animal parks. All of them provide us with a connection to the natural world. In addition, our personal pets give us companionship, devotion and affection. Second, a holiday in honor of our pets would remind us of our responsibilities toward them. Too often these days pets are taken for granted or even neglected when their owners become too busy to pay much attention to them.

        These are my suggestions for a new holiday. Although it may seem a little unconventional when compared with holidays that honor important statesmen or religious figures, it would serve to make people recognize an important part of our lives that is too often neglected- the world of animals.

      英语四级考试范文(二):Groups and Organizations to People

        Most people belong to t least one group or organization. These groups of people include social clubs, special interest groups, sports teams, classmates and workmates. Such organizations play an important part in peoples lives today because they provide both material and personal benefits.  Both formal and informal organizations can provide their members with material benefits. For example, membership in an exercise class offers the benefit of improved health. In addition, organizations, which work toward a specific goal such as passing legislation or improving a neighborhood, allow people to achieve that goal more efficiently by working together. Most organizations also provide personal benefits, the most important of which is a sense of belonging. When people choose to ally themselves with a group, it becomes part of their identity. In the group, they can find people of like-minded interests and feel like part of a team.

        In conclusion, organizations and informal groups of people are important in our lives because they provide us with many advantages.

      英语四级考试范文(三):Should they Earn So Much Money

        Highly paid athletes and entertainers are fortunate and privileged group. Few people can earn so much money for what they do, and at times this seems unfair. Do they deserve such high salaries? In my opinion, they must; otherwise, society would not choose to give them so much money.

        First of all, they work in a free market. If what they did was not valued by society, they would not be so well-paid. Second, athletes and entertainers, no matter how talented, invest a lot in training for their careers. And, unlike other more conventional professions, success is by no means guaranteed or even likely. Last but not least, athletes and entertainers are excellent role models for young people. They demonstrate that it is possible to pursue a dream and beat the odds.

        To sum up, although the salaries of some professional athletes and entertainers seem excessive, there are convincing reasons why they receive them.

      英语四级考试范文(四):Dealing with Bad Products or Poor Service  It is unfortunate, but sometimes we buy a product that is defective or does not live up to its promise. At times like these we need to inform the company of the problem through a formal complaint. Some people prefer to make complaints in writing while others prefer to make them in person. I prefer the latter for several reasons.

        First of all, making a complaint in person allows two-way communication. Therefore, there is less chance of a misunderstanding. When talking face to face with someone I can explain myself clearly and also answer any questions that he may have. Second, making a complaint personally is much more direct and efficient. It is more likely that my problem will be solved quickly when I speak to someone directly than when I only make a written complaint. Last but not least, I prefer to deal with a real person rather than a faceless company. I think that when a company is willing to talk to me about my problem it shows that it cares and takes my complaint seriously.

        Because direct communication is more efficient and exact, I prefer to make complaints in person. In this way I can receive a speedy answer and know whether the company takes my problem seriously or not.


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