大学英语四级标准范文 大学英语四级标准范文图片

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      1. the brain and the computer

      Some recent developments in computer industry make scientists predict that the gap between beings and the machine will be closed by the year 2000.

      To understand the significance of this prediction,let us compare the human brain with existing computers .The brain consumes electrical energy at the rate of 25 watts and occupies volume of one tenth of a cubic foot. The brain houses between 10 billion and 100 billion items of information. Every brain cell is directly connected to many other cells. As  a res

ult,the cells in which information is stored can communicate with thousands of other cells。In contrast ,the computer consume 1000,000 watts of electrical power and occupies hundreds of cubic feet of space。The computer memory is like a cell of pigeonholes,with no thinking capacity and no connections elsewhere。

        In a word,the electronic brains can hopelessly succeed in comparison with human brains。



        根据最近计算机行业的一些进展,科学家们作出预测:电脑将于20000年时接近人脑。  为了弄清楚这项预测的重要性,让我们来对比一下人脑和目前的电脑。人脑消耗电能的速度为25瓦,大小为一立方尺的十分之一。人脑能储存上百亿到千亿条信息。每个脑细胞都直接与许多其他的细胞相连。因此,储存着信息的那些细胞便能与几千个其他细胞发生联系。相比之下,电脑耗能一百万瓦,占地几百立方尺。电脑的记忆正如鸽舍中的一个小格子,没有思考能力,也无法与外界取得联系。


      2.  on a harmonious Dormitory Life

      Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory is disturbed in one way or another.  As is known to us all  , a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members .On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

        There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, youll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. Thirdly, youll have to share with each other and make good friends.

        In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.





        总之,为了好好学习、好好生活,我们 应该尽最大的努力营造和谐的寝室生活。

      3. Private School

      With the development of the society and economy, various private schools arise. When you read newspapers, turn on TV, or even walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools, mainly dealing with foreign languages, computers, music, sports, and so on.

      However, is it a good or a bad thing to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools. On the one hand, private schools can cater to the special need of the society and the special need of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition.

      Were it left to me decide whether we should have a society without private schools or a society with private schools, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.





      4. Campus Activities

      Campus activities have been organized in many university and college. These activities rang from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, speech contests, poets clubs, painting clubs, singing and dancing groups, etc.

      These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play a positive role in improving students studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often buried in textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the various activities provide opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the ivory tower more chances to get in classroom and get to know the society.

      All these offer an important means for students to broaden their horizons. By participating in campus activities, they have fulfilled university life and in turn help campus activities, hey have fulfilled university life and in turn help campus activities to grow and flourish.




      所有的 这些都为学生们拓宽视野提供了一个重要的途径。通过参与校园的活动,他们拥有充实的校园生活,这反过来也促进了校园活动的发展和繁荣。

        5. on students rating of their teacher

        Recently, it is common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers. Almost every university has been installed the rating system.

        However, this phenomenon has aroused great controversy. Some people are in favor of this rating system. They hold that students are the receiver of the knowledge and teaching activity and they have the right to evaluate teachers teaching. But other people are against it. They believe that the rating system is partial and will influence the normal teaching order.  As far as I am concerned, students rating of their teaching is necessary. On the one hand, students can be aware of their teaching effectiveness and make some necessary improvement.  In a word, it is a good method of benefiting both leaning and teaching.




      6. a petition letter

      Dear Madam,

      I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next semester. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present arrangement inconvenient.

      I must explain the reasons for my dissatisfaction are my roommates inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, their friends are constantly visiting them and they regularly hold noisy parties. For another, they sometimes use my things without asking permission. Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies.

      I am sure you will agree that only solution for me is to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distraction. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but still on campus.





      我确信您也会认同,对我而言唯一的解决方案就是自己住单间,在那儿我不会受到任何的干扰。因此,如果您能为我找一 个单间,房间最好是在校内但是不是一栋楼,我将感激不尽。


      7. a poster calling for the design of environment-friendly cloth bag

        In recent years, to control the white pollution, our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to governments appeal, the Environment Protection association of our department will invite you to take part in our activity of cloth bag design.

        You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designs are expected before June, 1st. If your designs are chosen by our association, you will have a bonus of ¥200.

        If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on the number12345678 or email us by clothbagdesign@163.com.

        Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to your terrific design.



      您可以通过邮寄或者亲自提交设计方案。您需要在6月1日前提交设计图。如果您的设计被我们的协会选中,那么您将获得奖金200元。 如果您想了解更多关于这项活动的详细信息,可拨打12345678或发邮件到clothbagdesign@163.com与我们联系。


      8. A Letter Asking for Help

      Dear Jones,

      I am writing to ask for your help in lending me a book.

      Recently I’ve been busy preparing my graduate thesis, and therefore have been reading and researching numerous books and other references. One of the books that my advisor believes to be particularly relevant to my thesis is called The Legal System in Society. Unfortunately I have been unable to find it at the library or in any bookstores. I heard you have a large collection of books about law. Do you happen to have this book? If so, may I borrow it? I promise to take good care of it and will return it to you within three days.

      Thank you very much. I hope to hear from you soon.

                                                Yours sincerely, Li Ming






      9. What Do Students Need English for

        Today, it seems that nearly everyone is studying English, especially students. But what do they study English for? A survey made by a teacher at a university gives us some hints.

        The results of the survey suggest that students need English for different purpose. Most students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals or attend English lectures, while only a few students use it to talk to English-speaking visitors, attend seminars, and write letters, etc. there are also some differences between economics students and engineering students. Compare with engineering students, economics students need to read English business textbooks and write reports in English.  Therefore, from the result of the survey, we can see that the purposes students learn English for vary with academic field students study in. whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities.





      10. Generation Gap

        Though many aspects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the elders remains and even grows wider.

      In my opinion, because of the influence of inpidualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young are creative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old.I think in order to narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to change others ad they wish. Diversity doesnt mean conflict so long as they hold the right attitude towards the problems.





      11 My views on Examination

      Nowadays the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject in most colleges and universities. Although it is efficient, its side effects are also enormous.

      On the one hand, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. No subjects can be taught successfully with intent to take examinations. On the other hand, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.

      In fact, few of us admit that examination can contribute anything really important to the students academic development. If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?





      12 Ideals

      Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to lean more and better. And everyone strives, with more or less effort, to realize his ideal.

      However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and word hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another.

      My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take is as a lofty (高尚的) profession entrusted with saving peoples lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. I am sure I will realize my ideal if I persevere in this pursuit.




      13 fast food

      Fast food is becoming more popular in china, especially among children and teenagers. Today, its certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food.

      There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goalsaving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food.

      However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfaction. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast as little as possible.

      Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while.





      14 only stricter Traffic can prevent accidents

      Though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day thousands of people all over the world are killed or horribly mutilated on the roads just because of traffic accidents.

      This situation is mainly due to the following two reasons. In the first place, the drivers are becoming less aware of social morality. When they are sitting behind a steering wheel, they totally forget the traffic laws which should be complied with. In the second place, the surprising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the peace breakers and seems to condone their behavior. As the transportation develops, cities become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic and the countryside is destroyed by the complicated road networks.Therefore, it is high time that a word code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life and to have some beneficial effect on the accident rate.





      15 on online chatting

      With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.

      However, peoples opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesnt produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

      But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

      As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it. So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly and curb its bad effects to the greatest extend.






      16 complaint about noise

       June 18,2010

      Dear sir or madam,

      I am your neighbor living downstairs in the same building. I am writing you to complain of the noise you make during the night.

      Recently the noise during the night disturbed my rest. Almost every night, there comes some noise from your apartment just as I go to bed and am on my way to a dream. I wonder that the noise is. Are you repairing your furniture? Are you doing physical exercise? Whatever you do at that time of the night, you have to take your neighbors rest into consideration. In a word, you are disturbing both your other neighbors and me.

      I heard you are always a friendly and considerate neighbor; please stop making noise at night. Thank you. Take care.






      17 telling lies

      Telling lies is usually looked upon as an evil, because some people try to get benefit from dishonest means or try to conceal their faults.

      However, I think despite its negative effects it is essential to tell lies in our daily life. First, the liar may benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment. Meanwhile, the listener may also fell more comfortable by reasonable excuse, for example, if a little girls father died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by saying farther has gone to another beautiful land. In such cases, a lie with original goodwill can make the cruel nice. Second, the skills of telling lies, to some extent, can be regard as a capacity of creation and imagination.

      Therefore, taking all these factors into consideration, we can definitely come to the conclusion that whether telling a lie is harmful depends on its original intention and the ultimate result it brings.




      因此,终上所述,我们能过得出结论:谎言是否有害,这取决于它的意图以及最终带来的 结果。

      18 on disasters

      An old saying goes: life is full of roses and thorns. As we all know, ones life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.

      However, its even worse if one cant drag himself out of the grief in that mental break-down is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should take positive attitude towards life and contribute to the reconstruction of his or her life and hometown.As for me, if I am lucky enough to survive in a disaster, I will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood or money. If I am a victim, I will endeavor to recover from the sadness as soon as possible and be certain to be strong and supportive to the recovery work.





      19 on the low-carbon life

      Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life. It not only results from the promotion of the government but also rises out of the peoples internal heart.

      Living a low-carbon life is of great importance to everyone. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring. Third, it is a healthy lifestyle and will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.

      Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it.





      20 waste separation from your campus

      Its no doubt that university campuses will produce a large amount of rubbish every day, however, there are fewer college students paying attention to its classification.

      Factually waste separation is vital to create an environment-friendly campus. Firstly, waste separation does great contribution to the environmental protection. Since some of waste is recyclable, while other is unrecyclable, if all the students could voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from unrecyclable rubbish, the risk of the environmental pollution will be greatly reduced. Secondly, waste separation could save a lot of energy and time on its processing.With the rapid increasing in the amount of rubbish at the campus, rubbish classification does not permit of any delay. On the one hand, as the well-educated people, college students should act as hosts of the universities and separate waste from this moment in their daily life. On the other hand, university authorities should strengthen students awareness of environmental protection and guide students to separate waste in a reasonable way.





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