英语教学反思简短 初一英语教学反思简短

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      XXX (1):

      XXX school English。it is important to make it real and natural。and to be close to students' lives。The words and XXX the most common and basic in society。but for us reasons。some students still cannot grasp their XXX well。especially for some difficult words.

      At the beginning of learning English。students learn based on their XXX hands-on and game parts of the classroom。but they are XXX。As time goes by。coupled with the fact that some words are difficult to read。they XXX focus。so even if they XXX knowledge in class。they et it i

mmediately after class。With the continuous increase in learning materials。the learning problems of these students XXX they realize the importance of learning English。they XXX。they even have the idea of not XXX.

      Some students。due to their introverted and unsociable personalities。XXX。They speak less。have less contact with others。and often have poor potential for n。XXX interacting with others。and they often do not ask XXX performing poorly in class。which damages their self-image in the hearts of teachers and classmates。and ces their self-XXX。they lack the habit and courage of n。Even in "one by one" XXX participate in。they speak in a very low voice。trying not to attract the n of others。Students with this type of XXX difficulties。but also cannot reach the maximum limit of language knowledge n。When doing "pair work," they are always XXX.

      Currently。most students can only have three English classes per week。and the class size is large。Even in English classes。only a few XXX class。teaching materials such as words。dialogues。or XXX one after another。which is like watching a movie for students with weak learning potential。They simply cannot grasp them.

      At the same time。there is no good language environment after class。and students find it more XXX of English。some students are at a loss when XXX words。For them。English words are difficult to remember。XXX' language points through a large number of exercises。it will make the teaching "mechanical" and cause some students to gradually lose interest in learning English.

      XXX school students are both internal and external。Due to the complex reasons。XXX will only make students XXX difficulties.

      In response to the current XXX。I XXX:







      XXX success in learning English and its culture。students need to have a positive XXX of learning English。but also other aspects of development。Therefore。I strive to create a relaxed。democratic。XXX:

      1.XXX them to try in their learning。protecting their self-XXX.

      2.XXX attitude。XXX' mutual learning。help each other。experience a sense of achievement。XXX.

      3.Paying n to students who have difficulties in learning or have introverted personalities。XXX for them as much as possible.

      4.XXX teachers and students。XXX。XXX.

      In teaching。XXX of learning English is to use it for XXX-person activities are the most common form of activity。such as dialogue activities。n。debate。XXX-person activities XXX。XXX training with different people。students in the front row can turn around and engage in two-person activities with those in the back row.

      XXX (III):


      In the village school。teachers are dealing with ten-year-old children who have no English XXX difficult to make them understand。speak。recognize。and write words and sentences。To do a good job。we must never give up.2.XXX

      The current Ma Cheng English textbook contains too much n。is not scientifically ordered。and lacks interest。The large amount of n leads to a large vocabulary。with students exposed to ten to twenty words per lesson。making it difficult for them to learn。The text is placed at the end of the lesson。while the XXX beginning。which XXX rules。and should be more child-friendly。For example。chants should avoid new words as much as possible and focus on words in the text。and the same goes for the XXX.


      At present。XXX。and the curriculum design XXX only have one English class per week。and students have to recognize and read 20-30 words。It is not easy to achieve the expected goals。There should be at least one English class every day。and English teachers should try not to cross schools。Curriculum design should be scientific and follow students' cognitive rules.4.XXX

      XXX method is still a simple answer sheet。Only XXX。and speaking and using are not checked。Learning to use English is easier said than done.













      有些学生因为内向、孤僻的性格,不善于交际,不愿意开口说话。这种性格使他们不愿意参加各种英语练活动,也不愿意与同学或老师交流。他们害怕在课堂上表现不佳,降低自己在同学和老师心目中的形象,因此缺乏自信和勇气。这种性格的学生不仅在研究上遇到困难,而且语言知识也无法得到充分的发挥。在“pair work”时,他们也缺乏合作精神。






      XXX。I have XXX English。as it is still in its early XXX Mandarin。there is no similar atmosphere for English learning。However。as teachers。we can create our own materials and design XXX for students to perform。By doing so。students can XXX。XXX students to speak English during class and in their daily ns with teachers and peers。regardless of whether their grammar is correct or not。As long as they can speak。they deserve praise.

      In n。XXX students to listen to English programs such as those on CCTV-9.which not only provide。but also visual aids to deepen their understanding。The emphasis is not on whether they can understand the content but on familiarizing them with the n and methods of English。which XXX.

      XXX and non-intelligence factors。respect and encourage students。and practice speaking with them。XXX will improve.

      XXX on Teaching English in Primary School (7):

      This year。the school XXX。XXX form of teaching reform。but also XXX.

      As a teacher of English in primary school。I have gained a lot from this activity.


      As XXX once said。"XXX and learning。the ancients emphasized。"Teaching must be humorous。and learning should be promoted by interest." The new "English Curriculum Standard" also XXX English in primary school is to XXX' interest in learning English。Based on the age。XXX characteristics of primary school students。I use us XXX clapping exercises。nursery rhymes。ns in voice pitch。and hand ns on different parts of the body to make the XXX' interest in learning English。However。the activities should not only be superficially exciting but also have the XXX。I believe that as teachers。we should help students grasp the knowledge and skills they have learned through effective language activities。Language comes from life。and language that is porced from real life is not "real"。A dry language XXX' interest in learning。Only by integrating language into life can it bloom with charm and improve students' interest in learning。I believe that we。as teachers。should continuously improve our nal skills。XXX skills。XXX materials with real life。and enable students to learn and apply language in their daily lives。XXX.

      2.XXX in primary school should be good at opening up students' minds.



      小学英语课堂评价要抓住孩子的心。现代教学论和评价论认为,有效的课堂教学其实是在一系列或明或隐、或大或小的评价活动基础上展开的。因此,在课堂教学评价中,采用具有用心好处的激励性评价是促进学生发展、提高课堂教学质量的有效措施和保障机制。在英语教学中,简单的“Good”、“Wonderful”的评价手段已经不能满足和吸引学生了。我认为英语教学有自身的学科特色,利用这一特点,我在教学中结合教学资料和教学活动,实施了富有特色的激励性评价。This lesson XXX object of this lesson is third-grade primary school students。Considering that students have just started learning English。the purpose of this lesson is to XXX' interest in learning and cultivate good learning habits。Because third-grade children are mainly concrete and image thinkers。Ms。Li strives to create a learning XXX students。allowing them to learn new XXX words in a relaxed。democratic。XXX that third-grade children have learned English for half a semester and have the necessary n。English is always used in XXX。XXX。and also infecting every student with this atmosphere。XXX methods such as -visual and whole-body n.


      1.Students learn and recognize the following vocabulary: blond。black。brown。red (eyes).

      2.Students XXX: What colour are your/his/her eyes。My/his/her eyes are。

      3.Students XXX.

      The XXX:

      1.Students XXX.

      2.By adapting the lyrics of the song。students' innovative spirit XXX.


      1.XXX to learn the knowledge of this lesson and apply it with their heart.

      2.Through practice。n。and n。as well as task-based teaching methods。students can actively think and practice.

      -visual method is an XXX。-visual method is used in this lesson.

      Communicative method is to learn new knowledge through students' mutual XXX with their peers。this method is used in this lesson.

      Whole-XXX: XXX multiple senses。knowledge is more firm and memory is XXX。students XXX for different levels of students to participate in and cooperate with。so that students of different levels can receive different levels of language training and improvement.

      XXX' interest in learning and XXX' sity。strong XXX。good XXX。and XXX plishment。group XXX to let them have a sense of achievement and dare to learn real English。This allows them to have a place to use their language skills in language practice activities.















      首先,教学环境的重要性不可忽视。教师需要营造一个简单而愉快的研究环境,以平等、诚挚、友善的态度对待每一位学生,全面关心学生的发展。这样可以促进师生之间的良好关系,让学生更主动地接近教师,提高研究效果。例如,在研究My family这课时,我使用了歌曲“Boyandgirl”来导入,让学生从一开始就对研究产生兴趣,轻松愉快地研究。



      XXX。XXX。XXX the success of the entire class。Before class。we should ask ourselves why we design our teaching process in this way。Why do we let students do such activities。etc。XXX set are in line with the characteristics of the XXX process。I found that different students and different classes need different goals。Students' learning characteristics and potential are different。For example。some students have strong memory potential and learn words quickly。while some students are lively and active in class。but their discipline is not strong。This requires teachers to have different teaching methods。teach students in accordance with their aptitude。and adjust XXX.In summary。XXX.

      Reflecting on the Teaching of English in Sixth Grade

      XXX compared to other grades because it faces the issue of students' entrance exams。As teachers。we must be well prepared。not only to promote the physical and mental health development of each student。XXX to learn for life。and focus on scientific n learning。but also to pay n to experiential learning。XXX。and independent XXX。XXX。

      1.Encourage students and create XXX.

      2.Provide XXX and direct n。as well as a space for full n and self-development.3.XXX。speaking。reading。and writing through experience。practice。n。XXX.


      In fact。in the classroom。XXX。conducting simulated language activities in English。making n flexible and varied。relaxed and natural。and easy to guide。can turn a XXX and content-rich natural XXX。XXX.

      2.Pay n to students' XXX.

      Students XXX results in English learning if they have a positive attitude towards themselves。English。and its XXX factor in learning English well。Therefore。XXX create a relaxed。democratic。and us teaching space。and do the following:

      1.Respect each student。actively encourage their attempts in learning。and protect their self-XXX.

      2.XXX attitudes。create us cooperative learning activities。promote students to learn from each other。help each other。experience a sense of achievement。XXX.




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