教师资格证考试小学英语 教师资格证考试小学英语教学设计模板

时间:2023-09-09 12:47:05 文档下载 投诉 投稿




      ① 词汇、对话课型





Words and dialogue

      Knowledge aimStudents can master the new words and phrases,like_______and grasp/understand the key sentence patterns________.

      Ability aimStudents can increase/improve integrated language skills, likelistening, speaking, reading and writing by repetition/group work/discussion/context/teacher/class activities.

      Emotional aimStudents will learn the importance/significance/point of____ and increase the interest of English-learning.

      ② 阅读课型知识与技能目标学生能够认读____等单词和短语,能够理解对应文本




      Knowledge aimStudents can master the new words and phrases, like_______and understand the text and passage

      Ability aimStudents can increase/improve reading skills, like fast reading and careful reading.

      Emotional aim Students will learn the importance/significance/point of____ and increase the interest of English-learning.





      Words and dialogue

      Important/Key pointStudents can master the new words and phrases, like ______and grasp/understand the key sentence patterns _______.

      Difficult pointStudents can increase/improve integrated language skills, like listening, speaking, reading and writing by class activities.




      ReadingImportant/Key pointStudents can master the new words and phrases, like ______and grasp/understand the key sentence patterns _______.

      Difficult pointStudents can increase/improve reading skills, like fast reading and careful reading.









      Step 1.Lead-in

      Before the class/At the beginning of the class, the teacher shows the picture and ask a relative question____, later some students will be invited to share their answers.

      PurposeStudents interest will be developed and improved by pictures and the teacher can lead in the new class.



      ① 词汇讲授



      ② 对话/重点句型讲授



      Step 2 Presentation


      The teacher introduces the new words and phrases by pictures, cards and body language and students can understand the words and phrases

      After describing the rules of the game, students will do more exercises with the knowledge they learned.


      ① 泛读要求学生快读阅读课文,概括文章大意;


      ② 精读



      Step 2 Reading

      Fast reading

      Read the passage/text quickly and get the main idea

      Stress the key words and phrases

      ② Careful reading

      Read the passage/text again and finish the detailed questions.

      Purpose Students reading skills will be improved in this part.






       Role-play to practice. Retell

       Waterfall game

       Group matches.

       Pair work.

      PurposeIt can provide students with more opportunities to express themselves and improve their confidence in English learning.




       Ask students to summarize what they have learned in class.

       The teacher will add some missing points if necessary and emphasize students’ taking part in activities.




      Ask students to __________ after the class.

      Justification Summary aims at helping students to review the key knowledge points.Homework is intended to help students develop learning ability and consolidate the content of this class.



      1    请认真阅读以下材料,并按要求作答请根据上述材料完成以下任务











      过程与方法目标通过小组活动教师引导学生能够正确运用I have...进行对话,提高日常口语交际的基本能力。情感态度与价值观目标通过交流与学习教师引导分享,学生能够激发起用英语进行日常交流的兴趣。




      上课之前,教师先向学生问好,Good morning, boys and girls, my name is..., nice to meet you,同时出示一幅房子的图片,引导学生仔细观察认识房屋都包含哪些形状,从而引入今天的学习内容。



      单词讲授教师首先在大屏幕上出示相关图片,提问学生图片中的名称,并引导学生用circlesquarestar, trianglerectangle等进行表达并进一步对单词进行讲解,并引导学生反复练习认读。

      对话讲解教师进一步讲解I have...等句型,并引导学生结合情境进行练习。


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