课程单元教学设计 单元课程设计说明

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      学年: 201 —201 学年学期:第学期系部:教师:




      学年: 201 —201 学年学期:第学期系部:教师:






























































      材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语Go for it》七年级(下册)人教版

      教学内容:Unit 11  What do you think of game shows? 教材分析:In this unit students learn to tell their likes and dislikes.教学目标:






      Section A 1a-2b

      1课时 Section A 3a-3b

      1课时 Section B 1a-2b

      1课时 Section B 3b-4

      1课时 Reading

      1课时 English Weekly


      Period 1一、Teaching aims: 1.Learn some names about different kinds of shows

      2.Learn to talk about likes and dislikes

      二、Topic: talk about likes and dislikes.三、Teaching guide: 1 Knowledge Objects: 1).Match the vocabularies:soap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglaes, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said, article, put , cap, idea, colorful, word 2).Master the phrases:talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal

      world, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about 3).Master and use:What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I can’t stand them.We don’t mind them.What does he / she think of Dumpling King?  She doesn’t like it.What do they think of

      Anna?  They love her.2.Ability objects: 1.Train students’ listening and writing skills.2.Train students’ speaking skill and reading skills.

      3.Moral Object: Each has his likes and dislikes.Please choose what you like and give up what you dislike.四、Important points: 1.The phrases in 1a.2.The target language: What do you think of ...? I like / love ...I can’t stand ....I don’t love / like / mind ...

      五、Difficult points: 1.The target language.2.The structure: What do you think of…?

      六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision 1.Check the homework exercises first.Ask different students to say their answers to the

      exercises of the workbook.2.Ask different students, Have you ever been to some interesting places on your vacation? Tell them to share their happy experiences with the cla.

      Step 2 1a 1.Show the key vocabulary words on Page 65 on the screen by a projector.2.Give them some sounds of the new words, then encourage them to try to read them all.3.Playing a gueing game.The teacher says something about one of the new words in English.The students gue the meaning of the new words.And read the new words several times until they can pronounce them accurately and fluently.4.Say, you are to match the TV shows with

      the pictures.Write the letter of each picture on the blank line before the correct word.Point out the sample answers.Let students do the activity    inpidually.

      5.Check the answers.1.e 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.b

      Step 3 1b 1.Call students’ attention to the words and smiley and frowny faces in the box.Explain to students the meaning of the words love , can’t stand and don’t mind as follows: If you love something, you like it very, very much.If you can’t stand something, you dislike it very strongly.If you don’ t mind something, you don’t either like it or dislike it.2.Say, Now I’ll play a recording of a conversation.Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in 1a.Write the letter of them on the blank lines before the words he uses, point out the sample answers.Play the recoding again.Students listen and write the letter of a TV show in each blank.3.Check the answers.Answers: 1,b 2a, 3c, 4,d 5,e

      Step 4 1c 1.Allow students one minute to read the TV shows in 1a again.2.Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the cla.

      3.Write the conversation on the blackboard.

      4.Say, please work in pairs.Say “What do you think of the TV shows ? You must answer the question truthfully.”5.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the cla.

      Step 5 Summary 1.In this cla, we’ve learned names of some TV shows first, which are talk show, soap opera, sports show.Then we’ve done much listening and oral practice using the target language:


      do you think of sitcoms? I love it.

      Step 6 Homework After cla, recite the spelling of the key words and the conversation in 1c.


      Period 2

      一、Teaching aims: 1.Learn some names about different kinds of shows2.Learn to talk about likes and dislikes

      二、Topic: talk about likes and dislikes.

      三、Teaching guide: 1 Knowledge Objects: 1).Match the vocabularies:soap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglaes, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said, article, put , cap, idea, colorful, word 2).Master the phrases:talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal

      world, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about 3).Master and use:What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I can’t stand them.We don’t mind them.What does he / she think of Dumpling King?  She doesn’t like it.What do they think of

      Anna?  They love her.2.Ability objects: 1.Train students’ listening and writing skills.2.Train students’ speaking skill and reading skills.

      3.Moral Object: Each has his likes and dislikes.Please choose what you like and give up what you dislike.

      四、Important points: 1.The phrases in 1a.2.The target language: What do you think of ...?I like / love ...I can’t stand ...I don’t love / like /

      mind ...

      五、Difficult points: 1.The target language.2.The structure: What do you think of…?

      六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision  Revise the new words about TV shows    Step 2: Listening (2a, 2b) 1.Call students’ attention to the five phrases in 2a and read them.

      2.Draw students’ attention to the picture and understand the 2 girls are talking about the TV

      show.3.Play the recording the first time, students listen and number

      the expreions 1—5 as they hear


      4.Check the answers: 1

      3 5.Play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart.Before listening, draw

      their attention to the dialogue in 2b.6.Check the answers: 1)love


      3)can’t stand

      4)don’t mind

      5)don’t like

      7.Students practice the conversation in 2b in pairs and make their own conversations about TV

      shows they know.8.Check some pairs.Step 3: Practicing (3a)

      Activity 1 1.Call students’ attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the cla.2.Ask students to work in pairs: What do you think of English Today / Sports News ...? 3.Ask students to work in pairs.Student A looks at this page.Student B looks at Page 85.Ask and

      answer questions: What do Yang Lin and Alan think of these CCTV show? Then fill in the blanks.4.Check the answers: Yang Lin: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t like Alan: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t mind

      Activity 2 1.Call students attention to the conversation in 3b.Teacher reads it to the cla.Ask students to pay attention to the blanks.2.Work alone.Ask students to use the information in Activity 3a.Fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers.1)Yes, I do. 2) I like it. 3) I don’t like it.4) English Today

      5) I like it.4.Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b.Then make their own

      conversations.Activity 3 1.Students work in groups.Take out a piece of paper and list TV shows as many as poible.2.Students write down what they think of the TV shows on the paper.3.Ask one of students to do a report for their group.Listen and check.Step 4: Homework    1.Copy the new words.2.Make some similar dialogues like 3a.

      Period3 Teaching goals: 1.Words& phrases: robot, paper, le, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .2.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

      3.There be 句型的一般将来时.

      4.more , le , fewer 的用法.


      6.对five years ago ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.

      7.通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时.    Important and difficult points : 1.will构成一般将来时态的句式。

      2.There be 句型的一般将来时态。

      3.more , fewer , le 的用法。

      4.How to make predictions .Teaching methods:Listen, say , read and write

      Teaching resource:课件 Teaching procedures: Step 1  Leading in

      Greetings .

      Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe .

      Check their homework .Step 2  While-task SB Page 6 , 3a .Read the instructions .Give Ss 3 minutes to read the paage , tick out the new words.    Explain the new words and practice reading .Point out the chart .Read the column headings to the cla .Read the paage again .Write words from her answers in the correct columns below .

      Check the answers .Practise reading .SB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game :Who write it ? Ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper .

      Put all the Ss’ papers together .

      Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss gue who wrote it .

      Step 3  Post-task SB Page 6 , Part 4 .Read the questions below .Ask

      two Ss to read the dialogue .

      Answer the questions .

      Pairwork.Get your partner’s answers .

      Share a few Ss’ conversations .

      Period 4 1.Words& phrases: robot, paper, le, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .2.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

      3.There be 句型的一般将来时.

      4.more , le , fewer 的用法.


      6.对five years ago ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.

      7.通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时.    Important and difficult points : 1.will构成一般将来时态的句式。2.There be 句型的一般将来时态。 3.more , fewer , le 的用法。 4.How to make predictions .Teaching methods:Listen, say , read and write

      Teaching resource:课件 Teaching procedures : Step 1  Leading in Greetings and free talk .Check their homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的

      评价) Step 2  Pre-task

      Go over what we learnt yesterday .通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。

      Step 3  While-task SB Page 4 , 3a .Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .    Read the instructions .

      Complete filling in the blanks inpidually .

      Check the answers .Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .    SB Page 4 , 3b .Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the cla .Practise reading .Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .

      Step 4  Post-task Write about yourself .With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and    in five years .

      Complete the work inpidually .Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .

      Homework : Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the cla .

      Period 5

      一、Teaching aims: 1.Learn some names about different kinds of shows

      2.Learn to talk about likes and dislikes

      二、Topic: talk about likes and dislikes.三、Teaching guide: 1 Knowledge Objects: 1).Match the vocabularies:soap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglaes, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said, article, put , cap, idea, colorful, word 2).Master the phrases:talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal

      world, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about 3).Master and use:What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I can’t stand them.We don’t mind them.What does he / she think of Dumpling King?  She doesn’t like it.What do they think of

      Anna?  They love her.2.Ability objects:(1.Train students’ listening and writing skills.2.Train students’speaking skill and reading skills.3.Moral Object:Each has his likes and dislikes.Please choose what you like andgive up what you dislike.

      四、Important points: 1.The phrases in 1a.

      2.The target language: What do you think of ...? I like / love ...I can’t stand ....I don’t love / like / mind ...

      五、Difficult points: 1.The target language.2.The structure: What do you think of…?

      六、Teaching steps: Step 1: Making a revision 1.Show some real object used in daily life and ask them “What do you think of ...?” “Do you like ...?” “ What about ...? 2.Show stu dents some school things and let students talk about their likes and dislikes.for example: I like color pencils.I don’t like ....I can’t stand ....

      Step 2: Presenting 1.Call students attention to the six pictures in 1a.Teach them the new words and let them repeat.2.Show students some real objects used in daily life and let students shout out their names as    quickly as poible.3.Ask students: What do you think of ...? Students use the verbs they learned to answer.

      Step 3: Practicing

      Activity 1 1.Call students attention to the six words in 1a.Let students read them loud together.2.Students look at the pictures; match the words with the pictures.3.Check the answers.1.b  2.a  3.e  4.c  5.f  6.d

      Activity 2 1.Ask students to work in pairs.Ask and answer about the six pictures.For example: A: What do you think of the belt?B: I don’t’ mind it.Do you like the sunglaes?

      A: Yes, I like them.B: What does your father think of the watch?

      A: He can’t stand it.

      Activity 3 1.Read the instructions to the cla.Let students tell the cla what they have.For example:

      I have a watch, a scarf and sunglaes.

      Step 4: Listening.(2a,2b) 1.Point to the chart in 2a.Call students attention to the things that Maria, Carol and Paul talk

      about.2.Play the tape the first time, fill what they hear in the chart.3.Check the answers.watch,

      sunglaes,  scarf,

      wallet 4.Play the tape again.This time students write down what Carol and Paul think about each thing.Fill in the chart in 2a with the following word s: loves, likes, doesn’t mind, doesn’t like, can’t stand.5.Check the answers: Carol: loves, likes, can’t stand, loves,  Paul: doesn’t mind, likes, doesn’t

      like, likes Step 5: Reading 1.Ask students to read the article in 3a inpidually.At the same time, students get ready to answer the following questions: What did Maria Lee do this week?Who likes the key ring / the sunglaes?Who loves the wallet / the watch?Who can’t stand the scarf?

      2.Ask several students to give their answers.

      3.Students read Maria’s article again.Fill in names of the students in the chart on Page 87.

      4.Check the answers.(watch)Gina Taylor loves.Ann Rice doesn’t mind.(key ring) Jack Smith likes(sunglaes) Ann Rice likes, Jerry Green likes (scarf) Jordan can’t stand(wallet)William Jones loves

      (belt) everyone loves

      Step 6: Writing 1.Teacher reads the letter to cla and call their attention to the blanks.2.Students look at the pictures in activity 1a on Page 68.Complete the letter with their own opinions.Use the words like, love, don’t mind, don’t like, can’t stand, 3.Students read the letter aloud again and pay attention to the following words and expreions:    enjoy doing sth,

      This is what I think.

      Step 7 Homework 1.Recite 3a on page 69.2.Make a survey in your family and write a composition.

      Period 6Finish the exercises and  go over the main points of this unit 教学后记




      中图分类号:g642.1 文献标志码:a 文章编号:1674-9324(2021)18-0248-03 “教学”内容是《教育学》课程中的核心部分,其主要教学目标是要求学生在理解教学基本理论知识的基础上,具备开展教学实施必需的基本技能与要领,是理论性与实践性较强的内容。笔者通过对该部分内容的教学现状调查,了解到在传统的课堂教学方式中,主要存在以下主要问题:












































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