读书报告 读书报告怎么写

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      A Book Report on The Woman in White

          The Woman in White takes Laura’s unhappy marriage and the deep connection between her and Walter who is a young artist as the main line. Laura, the heir to a large fortune, a pretty and pure girl, insists following her dead farther’ s decision to marry Sir Percival, a cruel and selfish man, whose aim is nothing but to occupy Laura’ s property. In order to attain his goal, with the help of the Count, Mr Fosco, Percival conspiring with Laura’ s uncle, hounds Anne(the woman in white)to death, who is Laura’ s half sister, and throws Laura into asylum. But with the utmost help from Walter and Marian, finally, the scheme is revealed out

      and the truth is known. And overcoming obstacles together, the lovers have a lifetime for perfect felicity.

          It is a story of greed and evil, innocence and betrayal, confused identities and cruel deceptions. And also love- a love that begins with heartbreak and misery, where there seems no way forward, no hope for the future. But love does not die easily; it can survive separation, and despair, and even death itself.

          To be honest, it is Anne Catherick who seems to be the most important point because it is The Woman in White. However, Laura Fairlie, Anne’ s looking-likely half sister is the main part. There is a few parts really describing Anne except in the first part. Then in the rest parts she does not nearly come out. This is the first surprising and attractive point the author shows us. The second is that Anne is a complete innocent person and victim, which you can see as the plots develop. Such up-and-down story that when i come to the end of the novel, i feel utterly sorry for Anne, a little bit shocked by Percival’ s easy death and feel relief for Laura and Walter’ s happy ending.

          When it comes to The Woman in White, Anne, that poor and innocent girl, always comes to my mind. She suffers from what she should not have suffered. It is a great pity.Sentences---

          1. Who was always trying to be more English than English.(极力表现出比英国人还地道的英国做派。)

          2.(环境)When I left them at midnight, a full moon was shining in a dark blue, starless sky, and the air was soft and warm.

          3.(初遇)When suddenly, my heart seemed to stop beating. A hand had touched my shoulder from behind. I turned at once, my hand tightening on my walking stick.

        4.(初印象)A young colorless face, large sad eyes, and light brown hair. Her manner was quiet and self-controlled. But there was nothing evil about her-indeed, a kind of sad innocence seemed to come from her. She looked nervously up and down the road, then back to me.

        5.(Mr Hartright 对Anne的评价)Nervous, and a little strange, perhaps, but not mad. White and blue striped dress and a summer hat. Her hair is light brown, almost gold, and she has eyes that are clear and blue, with a look of truth in them. They give her whole face such a charm that it is difficult to notice each other inpidual feature: the delicate, though not perfectly straight, nose; the sweet, sensitive mouth. The life and beauty of her face lies in her eyes. In those few words she gave me the key to her own trusting, truthful character.

       6.I was lost in dreams of love and blind to the dangers ahead of me.

       7.My thoughts crowded in on me.

          8. There was nothing more to it than that.(我们得到的消息就是这些。)

      9. Her face went deadly pale.(她面如死灰。)

          10. The moment I said his name she gave such a scream of terror that my blood ran cold. Her face, now full of fear and hatred, told me everything.

      The Story Told by Marian HalcombeI looked into her innocent, loving eyes and could say nothing. I just put my arms around her, trying not to cry myself.

      2. It was almost as if love had created a new force in her character.

      3. He made no answer, and my temper got the better of me(我的直脾气可受不了).

      4. Laura gave a cry of surprise.

      5. ……got him a job on an expedition to……

      6. All too quickly the days passed. Sir percival arrived, looking a little tired and anxious but talking and laughing like the happiest of men.

      7……and her face turned white with misery.8. As the day of our separation grows nearer, Laura cannot bear to have me out of her sight.

      9. I am blind with crying and can write no more……(我已经哭得视线模糊,无法继续写下去了。)

      10. Mr Fairlie, I believe, is secretly delighted to have his house free of women.

      11. The gardens are small and not well kept, and there are so many trees that the house feels shut in by them.

          12. It was a damp, lonely house.

      13. I jumped to my feet in alarm.

      14. After my first happiness at meeting Laura, i felt there was a strangeness between us and I realized she had changed.

      15. Sir Percival stormed out of(气急败坏地)the room in great anger.

      16. I would have held my tongue when he looked at me, as she holds hers.(我也会像她一样,被他看一眼就闭上嘴。)

      17.(对The Count伯爵Mr. Fosco评价)He is lazy,jumps at the slightest sudden sound, and has a peculiar fondness for pet animals. There is a calmness and a strength about his smooth, unlined face, and his voice is persuasive, gentle, hard to resist. But it is his eyes that I shall always remember- his cold, clear, beautiful grey eyes, eyes which held such a frightening power that i shiver even now to think of it.18. A serious debt(一大笔债);unfortunate temper(臭脾气)

      19. It won’t take a minute.(一会儿就好。)

      20. You take my wife’ s side against me.

      21. Sir Percival swore at him(对他破口大骂), but moved away from the table.

      22. he uses this knowledge like a whip to punish me, day in, day out.

      23. Still half asleep, i stared at her stupidly.(我还在半梦半醒之间,迷迷糊糊地看着她。)

      24. ~to give a document promising payment in three months.(要做一份保证三个月后还钱的文件。)25. I had my orders.(我得听主人的吩咐。)

      26. We have made the worst-tempered man in England see reason.(我们让1英国脾气最坏的人明白道理了。)

      27. ~and felt such furious hatred for Sir Percival that I dared not speak.

      28. There was a smell like rain in the still, heavy air.(潮湿的空气中有一种雨的味道。)

      29. Lost the ready money.(到手的钱没了)

      30. Undo the harm that you do(帮你解决麻烦)

      31. Absolutely nothing-except in the case of her death(一分都没有-除非她死了)32. I listen with every nerve in my body, memorizing word after word.(我全神贯注地听着,把每个字都记在心里。)

      33. You must now leave this matter in my hands.(你现在必须把这件事交给我来办。)

      34. If I don’ t find Anne Catherick, I’ m a lost man.(加入找不到安妮·凯瑟里克,我就完了。)

      35. Bright sunshine, which hammers at my eyes.(明媚的阳光使我的眼睛隐隐作痛。)

      36. My sister has always had delicate health.(我妹妹的身体一直很弱。)

      The story told by Walter Hartright1. I went home by a very ling route and managed to lose them.(我绕远路回家,设法甩掉他们。)

      2. At last I saw the anger burning in her eyes.(我终于在她眼里看到了愤怒的目光。)

      3. Her lips curled in an unpleasant little smile.(双唇勾起一丝恶意的微笑)

      4. We get the wood into position and run at the door with it.(我们抬着长木头,一次又一次朝门撞过去。)


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