The communicative approach 交际教学法 交际教学法英语的定义

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      The communicative approach  交际教学法

      Application of communicative approach in English teaching交际教学法在英语教学中的应用

      1.The creation of authentic situations创建真实的情况

      The current teaching methods don’t emphasize the real world situation and fail to cultivate students’ spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom teaching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their o

wn choosing and not based on their actual needs. Instead, they are provided with a rigid set of guided structures in isolation. Taught in this way, the learners frequently fail when they are faced with the read to produce the language related to a specific situation.

      Simulation techniques seem to be a better alternative, as they seek to place learners in a situation where they are asked to take on different roles and to accomplish their specific tasks, including problem solving. They offer an opportunity for the learners to practice using the language in the right place at the right time and as appropriately as possible.

            The most obvious advantage of these kind techniques is that it puts the learners in realistic situations. By simulating the physical circumstances of certain situations, the students can have the opportunity to use and to practice the sort of language, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation, so that learners are rehearsed for real life. In addition, they can express what they want to say whenever the situation calls for it. The teacher provides the best conditions for learning through creating the realist situation.




      2. Students-centered class质量类

      The focus of classroom should be shifted from the teacher to students. The present teaching in China, however, is just the opposite; the class is just mainly teacher-centered. 

        The teacher does most the talking and always has the whole class under his strict control by lecturing, questioning, correcting students and often supplying correct answers to the exercises. In such a class, the teacher is obviously the most authoritative person. Students always act according to what the teacher wants them to accomplish put not what they themselves want to accomplish.

          Such kind of teachers’ role, in fact, encourages the students to depend too much on teachers without thinking independently. So it appears that sometimes, even if the students have understood the text they are reading, they do not have the courage to speak out when called upon, for fear that they may not be right. As a result, the long-term practice of teacher-centeredness in education has actually lessened the opportunities for the students to analyze and judge things for themselves, and it has possibly encouraged the students’ laziness in thinking. Giving up their natural instincts for active thinking, they may spend most of their time copying from the blackboard, following the teacher’s talk and taking the note. Too much of this will harm the students’ initiatives and reduce their enthusiasm in study.                The class should be learners-centered. “Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep focus on the students not on him and encouraging students to communicate among themselves.”(Widdowson 1994:36)  The teacher is expected to “lead from behind” (Widdowson 8  1994:44), i.e., to act more as adviser and to participate in the interactions if possible. The teacher should allow full scope for his students’ spontaneous learning process and give more opportunities for the students to talk, perform and express their own ideas. In this way, the students will no longer feel inferior. Gradually, they will form a positive attitude toward English studying. The proposed teachers’ role in the classroom is significant not only for classroom methodological reasons, but also, as we shall see, for its effect on human relationships in classroom. This relationship will contribute favorably to effective learning. 

          The role and relationship between the teacher and students are fixed by the students-centered principle. It is to say that the students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to communicate. The teacher can play several roles in the class: he directs the class activities, designs the scene of communication, and also he is a consultant ------ guiding the communication and solving the problems in communication. At the same time, the teacher should be a partner of communication ------ he takes part in the students’ communication. Of course, the students should throw themselves into communication actively. They can learn the target language through communication, and improve their listening and speaking ability through communication.

                These two pieces of principle, of course, will not solve all the problems, for communication teaching does not only involve methods and techniques but also material development, testing, class organization and possibly the retraining of the staff. These big issues have to be dealt with if a genuine communicative approach is to be followed. 

            “The communicative approach is an effective teaching method” (Littlewood 1991:126), which helps gauge environment, it requires the students to communicate each other in the language they are learning. The students and teachers should put themselves into the “real” scene. Gradually, they accumulate the perceptual knowledge of English and then develop the sensibility of this language, thus, to achieve the purpose of grasping a language. Communicative approach, on the one hand, emphasizes teaching the students the real language; on the other hand, emphasizes that the students are the hubs of the class. The teacher should just organize and guide the students to have the communicative activities. From some aspects, we can say in the communicative activity, the process is more important than the result. So the teacher must arouse the students’ enthusiasm to the rein of their subjective initiative completely. It can not only avoid the drawbacks of grammar translation methods but also eliminate the ignorance of the students’ listening and speaking ability. It requires the stressing of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also emphasizes the meaningful real communication. So in the teaching process, it sets up some language models which can be used in the real communication. Its focal point is to train the students to use the language  in communicative circumstance. it helps the students to develop the skill of listening and speaking. It gives the students the chances to participate in the teaching activities.     

              “The aim of teaching English is to develop the student’s ability of using language communicative ability.” (Widdowson 1994:55) We say the process of teaching is the process of communication, so English teaching should use the communicative approach.



      这样的教师角色,事实上,鼓励学生过分依赖老师,没有独立思考。这样看来,有时候,即使学生理解的文本阅读,他们没有勇气说出来呼吁时,担心他们可能不是正确的。结果,长期实践teacher-centeredness教育实际上已经减少学生分析和判断事物的机会,并可能在思想上鼓励学生的懒惰。放弃他们的天性活跃思维,他们可能会花大部分的时间复制从黑板,老师的讲话,并注意。太多会伤害学生们的行动和减少他们学习的热情。类应该learners-centered交际方法使得学习者自己和需要教室老师扮演一个次要的角色,试图保持关注学生而不是他,鼓励学生完成他们之间的沟通。”(Widdowson 1994:36)老师将铅从后面”(Widdowson 8 1994:44),,更多的顾问和参与互动,如果可能的话。老师为他的学生应该允许完整的范围的自发的学习过程,给学生更多的机会说话,执行和表达自己的想法。通过这种方式,学生们将不再自卑。渐渐地,他们将形成一个积极的态度学习英语。拟议中的教师角色在教室里是重要的不仅对课堂方法上的原因,但同时,正如我们将看到的,它对人际关系的影响在教室。这种关系将提供积极有效的学习。老师和学生之间的角色和关系是固定的质量原则。说学生是主要的参与交流,虽然老师帮助学生们交流。老师在课堂上可以扮演几个角色:他指导课堂活动,设计现场交流,并且他是一个顾问- - - - - -指导交流和沟通解决问题。同时,教师应该是一个合作伙伴的沟通- - - - - -他参加学生的交流。当然,学生们应该把自己变成积极的沟通。他们可以通过交流学习目标语言,并通过交流提高他们的听力和口语能力。



      交际的方法是一种有效的教学方法”(Littlewood 1991:126),这有助于判断环境,它要求学生在他们正在学习的语言相互交流。学生和老师应该把自己变成真正的场景。渐渐地,他们积累英语的感性认识,然后开发这门语言的敏感性,因此,达到掌握语言的目的。交际的方法,一方面,强调教学的学生真正的语言;另一方面,强调学生类的中心。老师应该组织和指导学生的交际活动。从某些方面,我们可以说在交际活动,过程比结果更重要。因此,教师必须激发学生的热情完全控制他们的主观能动性。它不仅可以避免语法翻译方法的缺点也消除无知的学生的听力和口语能力。它需要的强调听、说、读、写。它还强调了真正有意义的沟通。所以在教学过程中,设置一些语言模型可用于真正的沟通。它的重点是培养学生用语言交际环境。它可以帮助学生培养听力和口语的技巧。它让学生参与教学活动的机会。

      英语教学的目标是培养学生的能力使用语言交际的能力。”(Widdowson 1994:55)我们说教学的过程就是沟通的过程,因此英语教学应该使用交际的方法。

      The definition of communicative approach交际教学法的定义

        The Communicative Approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence. Teaching materials used with the Communicative approach often teach the language needed to express and understand different kinds of functions. The approach follows a National syllabus and emphasizes the processes of communication to get information, and using language for social interaction with other people. This paper presents an analytical study of the communicative approach at many levels. In a word, communicative approach refers to the theory of teaching according to the principle that the students and teachers should genuinely communicate with each other using the target language. 交际的方法是一个外国或第二语言教学方法,强调语言学习的目标是交际能力。教材使用所需的交际方法经常教语言表达和理解不同类型的功能。遵循国家教学大纲的方法,强调沟通的过程信息,并使用语言与他人的社会互动。本文提出了一种分析交际教学法的研究在许多水平。一句话,交际教学法是指根据教学原则的理论,学生和老师应该真正使用目标语言互相交流。

      Features of communicative approach交际法的特点

      1.  Five points to characterize the Communicative Approach:

       1) Emphasis on learning to communicate in the target language;

       2) The introduction of authentic texts into learning situations;

       3) Focus not only on language but also on the learning process itself;

       4) Making use of learner’s own personal experiences; 

      5) Creating real communication situations in the classroom;

      Linking classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom, the most obvious characteristics of the communicative approach is that almost everything that is done with a communicative intent. The teacher is concerned with the learners themselves, their feelings is more effective when the learners are actively involved in the learning process..交际的方法:







      2. Features of communicative activities:

       1) Information gap;   2) Choice of form and content; 

       3) Feedback of any communicative information;





      交际法(Communicative  Approach

        60年代后期,随着情景教学法在英国等欧洲国家的逐渐失宠,许多应用语言学家和语言教师教受了功能主义语言学和社会语言学的研究成果,开始重视学生语言交际能力的培养;70年代中期,交际教学法的范围大大扩展,大多数语言教师已经开始将它看作是一种将语言交际能力作为语言教学的目标并承认语言与交际的相互依赖关系是培养学生四项语言基本技能的语言教学法。交际法强调语言是通过交际获得的,因此这并不是一个激活已有的知识的问题,而是一个促进掌握语言系统本身的问题,也称为“用英语学英语”(using English to learn it );交际教学法同时也强调向学习者提供使用英语进行交际的机会的重要性,将这类交际活动置于更大范围的语言教学中,称为“学用英语”(learning to use English)以及强调“以学习者为中心”。这已成为近年来国际外语教改的主流。新教材的使用,标志着我国中学英语教学正在由语言结构教学法为主走向以语言实际运用为主的功能法,即交际法的轨道,顺应了国际外语教改的主流。而传统教学却往往忽视了语言的交际性和实用性这两个特征,而且也忽视了“以学习者为中心”的原则。普通高中英语课程标准规定高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上,进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力,形成有效的英语学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上。语言技能和语言知识是综合语言运用能力的基础,情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素。学习策略是提高学习效率,发展自主学习能力的先决条件。文化意识则是得体运用语言的保障。教学着重培养学生综合运用语言词汇,语法进行听、说、读、写的交际能力。英语教学任务是:通过基本训练培养学生为交际运用英语的能力。因此,中学英语教学应该遵循交际法这一原则:以学生为中心,教师为学生提供学习环境,激发思维促进学习,学会学习,让学生在真实的交际中进行人与人之间的交流,实现课堂教学交际化。从而达到教学大纲为“交际”培养运用英语能力的总体教学目标。根据高中学生认知能力发展的特点和学业发展的需求,高中英语课程应该强调在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息,处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注意提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力,进一步拓宽国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,形成健全的情感、态度、价值观,为未来发展和终生学习奠定基础。Communicative Approach (Communicative Approach)

      Late 60 s, with the scene teaching method in the UK and other European countries gradually out of favour, many applied linguists and language teachers teach by functional linguistics and social linguistics research, began to attention to the cultivation of students' language communicative competence; In the mid - 70 - s, greatly expanded the scope of communicative teaching method, most language teachers have begun to see it as a kind of language communicative competence as the goal of language teaching and recognize the interdependent relationship of language and communication is to cultivate students the four basic skills of language teaching. Communicative approach emphasizes language is through the communication, so this is not an activation of the existing problems of knowledge, but a promotion to master the language system itself, also known as the "learning English" in English, using English to learn it); Communicative teaching method but also emphasizes the learners the opportunity to use English for communication, the importance of put this kind of communicative activities in a wider range of language teaching, known as the "learning English" (learning to use English), and emphasizes "to the learners as the center". It has become the mainstream of international foreign language teaching reform in recent years. The use of new materials, marked the middle school English teaching in China are mainly by the structure of language teaching to language of practical application based function method, namely the orbit of communicative approach, complied with the mainstream of international foreign language teaching reform. And the traditional teaching is often overlooked the communicative language and practicability of these two characteristics, but also ignored the principle of "taking learners as the center". The ordinary high school English curriculum standard set the overall goal of high school English courseIs to make students in English learning on the basis of the compulsory education stage, further defined the purpose of learning English, developing the ability of autonomous learning and cooperative learning, form effective English learning strategies, cultivate the students' comprehensive language using ability, comprehensive language using ability is based on the formation of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness, on the basis of integrated development. Language skills and language knowledge is the foundation of comprehensive language using ability, emotional attitude is the important factors that affect students' learning and development. Learning strategy is to improve the learning efficiency, a prerequisite for the development of autonomous learning ability. Cultural awareness is the guarantee of appropriate use of language. Teaching emphasis on cultivating students' comprehensive use the language vocabulary, grammar in listening, speaking, reading and writing communication skills. English teaching task is: through basic training to cultivate students' ability to use the language for communication. Middle school, therefore, the method of communicative English teaching should follow the principle: take the student as the center, teachers provide learning environment for students, inspire thinking to promote learning, learning to learn, to let the students in interpersonal communication in real life, realize communicative classroom teaching approach. So as to achieve the syllabus for "communication" develop the overall teaching goal of English language ability. According to the characteristics of the high school students' cognitive development and the needs of the development of the academic high school English curriculum should emphasize on the further development on the basis of students' comprehensive language using ability, focus on improving students use English to obtain information, process information, the ability to analyze and solve problems, to pay special attention to improve students' ability of thinking and expressing in English is to form the consciousness of cross-cultural communication and the basic ability of cross-cultural communication, to further broaden the international field of vision, enhance patriotism spirit and sense of mission, the formation of healthy emotion, attitude, values, lay a foundation for the future development and lifelong learning.




       3)采用多种教学手段组织教学。在教学活动中大量使用信息转换、模拟情景、扮演角色、游戏活动等形式,有效地调动学生学习的积极性。在教学中,声、色、形相结合,寓教于乐,使课堂变得轻松愉快。  4)教师要有容忍的态度。学生对英语是否感兴趣是检验老师教学是否达标的标准。教师在学生用英语交际训练中不必有错就纠,以免挫伤学生语言交际的积极性,使学生失去学习英语的兴趣。教师要善于保护学生说英语的勇气,并适时、恰当、真切地给予学生鼓励,使学生对英语产生浓厚的兴趣。

      (1) set up the real situation. Teachers in the teaching process, not by word, sentence by sentence to teaching, and to put the whole process of communication in a proper situation lets the student in naturally to understand, through repeated practice, and master the communication content.

      (2) take the student as the center, teaching organization's activities. Classroom communicative activities should take the student as the main body, a leading role by the students. Provide learning a language in communication, so that the students get communication skill.

      (3) USES the many kinds of teaching means to organize teaching. Information transformation is used in great quantities in the teaching activity, simulation scenarios and play the role, games, activities, arouse the enthusiasm of students to learn effectively. In the teaching, sound, color, form, recreation, make the classroom becomes relaxed and happy.

       (4) the teacher must have a tolerant attitude. Students interested in whether English is the standard for testing whether the teacher teaching standard. Teachers don't have to be wrong in training students in English communication will rectify, lest affect the enthusiasm of students' language communication, so that the students lose interest in learning English. Teachers must be good at protect students to speak English courage, and timely, appropriate, really give students encouragement, make students produce strong interest in English.




      3.采用分级教学      英语口语教学应该遵循由易到难,循序渐进的原则。此原则体现在口语的具体教学实践中就是采用分级教学。


      Ways to cultivate students' communicative competence in oral English teaching

      1. Strengthen the hearing training, increase language input and reserve

      2. Cultivate the habit of thinking in English, strengthen the English thinking ability training

      3. USES hierarchical teaching

      Oral English teaching should follow from easy to difficult, progressive principles. This principle is embodied in specific teaching practice oral English is to use hierarchical teaching.

      4. Enrich the social and cultural knowledge, enhance the appropriateness of language consciousness, improve the ability of oral communication

      BreenCandlin认为教师在交际教学法中的作用有两个:(1)促进课堂里所有参与者之间的信息交流和他们学习课文,进行各种活动的过程;(2)教师在这个教与学的活动中扮演一个独立的参与者。Breen and Candlin think the role of the teacher in the communicative teaching method has two: (1) to promote the exchange of information between all participants in the classroom and they learn the text, for a variety of activities process. (2) the teachers in the teaching and learning activities play an independent of the participants.


      In the implementation of communicative language teaching, the teacher can't scripted, and should study how to play the role of subject students in classroom teaching. In recent years, great progress has been made in research on foreign language acquisition, the understanding of many of the traditional foreign language teaching has made correction, such as from the debate of the communication ability of foreign language teaching to cultivate language ability to; From attention to teachers' teaching research to study attaches great importance to the students' learning and acquisition, etc. English teachers must stay abreast of the latest acquisition theory to a certain extent, and the particularity of English teaching for English acquisition have a clear understanding. English teacher should not only have a solid language foundation and skilled teaching skills, should also have good psychology, sociology and pedagogy, such as the category of knowledge, and must have certain infectious and motivational character, it can affect and change the students' attitudes and interests. To the implementation of the overall smooth, communicative language teaching and achieve actual effect, so as to promote English acquisition.


      1、对于真正的交际教学法的误解    一些教师、学者将那个“弱”的说法当作是交际法的全部。他们相信交际法是为以后的交际活动做准备的,所以他们将精力集中在对学生的语言结构教学上,把它看得和交际功能一样重要。

      2、将教学法看作是一种方法    交际法只是一种教学方法,或只是一种理论,而并非一种具体真实的教法。但在中国,许多教师将它看作是一种具体的教学方法。所以在课堂上,他们只是操练学生并称此为交际教学法。

      3、交际法与教学现实之间的距离    交际法的主旨是训练学生的交际能力。语言和交际能力可通过交际被掌握并得到。但是学生生活在汉语的生活与学习的环境没有在他们的意识中形成英语交际的氛围。这样并未到达与理想的交际法的宗旨和目的



















      Communicative teaching situation in China

      1, for real communicative misunderstanding Some teachers and scholars to the notion of "weak" as are all part of the communicative approach. They believe that communicative approach is to prepare for the future communication activities, so they will concentrate on the language structure of the teaching to the student, it is just as important and communicative functions.

      2, the teaching method as a method The communicative approach is a kind of teaching method, or just a theory, not a specific real dharma. But in China, many teachers would it as a kind of specific teaching methods. Practice students in class, so they just saying this is a communicative teaching method.

      3, the distance between the communicative approach and the teaching reality of communicative purpose is to train the students' communicative competence. Language and communication ability can be obtained through the communication by master and. But in the life of Chinese student life and learning environment has not formed in their consciousness of English communication atmosphere. This and the ideal has not yet been reached the aim of the communicative approach and purpose

      The problems appeared in the process of the communicative approach

      (1) the fluency of language and language errors. Some people think that communicative approach emphasizes only language fluency, and do not pay attention to the accuracy of the language. But we know that English is not our native language, so the hard to avoid can make mistakes when we speak. Teachers should allow students to make mistakes, such as confusion of person, number form of the noun or verb tenses, only those who hinder the communication need to be corrected or misunderstanding mistake.

      (2) the grammar teaching. Many people take it for granted that communicative teaching only pay attention to the use of language, while ignoring the teaching of vocabulary and grammar. Grammar is important, there is no grammar, when we communicate with others, there is no logical language. So we say the grammar teaching from the communicative competence training separation is wrong. But according to the theory of language acquisition, don't need to teach grammar in class, because of the language acquisition has been including the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar. When we come into contact with the grammar for the first time, then we know about it, after several times use, we can remember and can freely use the syntax.(3) the concept of communication. Use English including four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, but many people only think of listening and speaking well communication ability. In communicative teaching method in the operation process, teachers should develop students' various ability, and not just focus on the one hand or both of these skills.

      5.problems in the teachers

      Communicative teaching method in China were short ten years, still in a period of study. Many teachers of communicative teaching method is not very understanding. In fact, communicative teaching requires teachers to be a good organizer and guide, fully ready at any time by the students can't predict the problems are put forward. Before the end of the class, the teacher must unforeseen language for students in the class activities, summarizing or comment. But as a result of English teachers in China itself, especially those in rural English teachers in the process of using the target language does not have enough communication ability, they can't very well with the class of emergencies, so can't play very well as the role of a class organizer. Moreover the intelligence level difference between training of teachers, so that can grasp the essence of the communicative approach and master the target language and language teaching art teachers are few, these are all hinder the fatal problems of the application of communicative teaching smoothly.

      6, students' problems

      In China, many students habits teachers use the traditional grammar translation method to organize teaching. They have become accustomed to sitting in the classroom passively accept what teachers taught in the language points. If teachers adopt communicative teaching method in teaching, the students will feel a lot of not adapt.

      7, the test system

      Communicative teaching is aimed at training the students' communicative competence, so we need a communicative test. Unfortunately there is no one kind of the test is designed for students' communicative competence. Our foreign language course is designed to help students gain communication skills, but we only test students for master grammar, which contradict with the purpose of the communicative teaching method. Therefore, the current test for our foreign language teaching has a very big negative influence.

      The method to solve the problem

      First of all, we must system comprehensive understanding of the communicative approach. If people can understand well this way, so they wouldn't have this kind of abstract theory as a kind of specific teaching methods.

      Second, we must adopt various teaching methods to adapt to China's actual. As the saying goes: "the teaching application, but the wuding method". Communicative approach is a kind of teaching method, it is a kind of theory, sometimes it doesn't really adapt to the reality, so as a Chinese teacher of English, form our own unique teaching methods so as to adapt to our unique practical to improve our students' communicative competence, is a fundamental key to solve all problems.Again, the teacher and students should change their roles. As a student, he must shift from a passive listener to an active participants; And as a teacher, he must be from knowledge into classroom organizer. For teachers, the more urgent. They should do is to be trained to improve language skills and language ability of organization and the right teaching ability. We should change the teacher-centered, and change to the student-centered teaching.

      Finally, we should change the test system. We take the test as a means to test students' communicative competence, so as to serve our main aim of language courses. So we should set up a communication skills test system to replace the traditional test.

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